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Let's Play Music with Maggie Gambill


Music education that’s in tune with children!
In the Let’s Play Music programs, we know that children learn most effectively through play! Peek in any of our classes and you’ll see jumping, singing, skipping, storytelling, and laughing! We understand that a child has to be physically involved in the learning process, so we use the eyes, ears, hands, and full body movement to learn concepts usually taught on paper. We also know that children enjoy learning in a peer group setting. The synergy of a Let’s Play Music class naturally encourages children to participate and to excel. Your child will learn advanced concepts and skills using age-appropriate methods!


Let's Play Music: A three year total musicianship program starting at age 4, 5 or 6 teaching in-tune singing, harmony and melody, rhythm and beat, note reading, music theory, and beginning keyboard skills - all through play!


Sound Beginnings:  A class for kids up to age 4 and a caregiver, seamlessly pairing foundational music concepts with early literacy and kindergarten skills - all taught through musical play!






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