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Seasons of Seven is on a mission to redefine education.  Yes it is different, but it is BEAUTIFUL!


What is it?


Seasons of Seven is a hybrid model encouraging community and connection between our teachers and students. We offer full classes for grades kindergarten through eighth grade and enrichment classes for all grades including handwork, foreign language, movement and much more.  The school has a strong Waldorf inspired foundation and our teachers will bring the curriculum content in a living way.  

Each of our classes is a combination of pre-recorded AND Zoom community time. The lessons are generally delivered by the teacher in a pre-recorded format. Classes come together 1-4 times per week depending on age and need to have community, play games, discuss the week's lessons, get help from the teacher, get to know their classmates, work on projects together, etc.  Both pieces are equally important and are an integral part of how our school functions. 

We bring lessons together with teacher connection to bring something truly unique and not seen in many other places. We have been inspired by the beauty of brick and mortar Steiner schools and the freedom of homeschool.  We have found a way to bring the magic right into your home!  Education for ALL - Just like Steiner wanted!  Imagine feeling really good about school for your child this year. Picture yourself traveling with your family and still getting school in. Imagine sorting out how to work from home and tend to your child’s education. Imagine peace and connection.


Who are our teachers?


Our teachers are Waldorf trained teachers. We have high standards and expectations. We searched the world for teachers and have been so pleased with those we have hired.


How are your teachers paid?


Teachers making a living wage is one the the key pieces of our framework.  Having a small staff enables us to keep costs down.


What will this cost?


Keeping budgets in mind, we are committed to paying our teachers a fair and living wage.  At this time we are looking at somewhere between $25-$150 per week per child. Some terms will be short, 4-6 weeks for a main lesson block, while others will be longer, a full school year.


Are you accredited?


While we are a cooperative of teachers, we are not an accredited school at this time.


Is this a Covid school?


NO! While the turmoil of Covid was the catalyst that brought Seasons of Seven forward, we will not be shutting our doors when the masks come off and the social distancing ends.   For many years Waldorf teachers have been seeking flexible ways to make a living wage and for just as long, families have been seeking an affordable way to bring this education to their children.  We plan to grow our community. Join us!


Tell me more about the curriculum.


 The Waldorf curriculum is a set of indications given about 100 years ago by a man named Rudolf Steiner. He was a man with many projects and ideas, but one of his legacies is Waldorf education. The curriculum brings specific content to children when they are developmentally ready. There is a sample Waldorf curriculum chart HERE to give you an example of the work your child may be doing.


What is available?


That is an exciting question and one we love answering!

  • Parent Child Class:  Full year
  • Kindergarten 1&2:  Full year
  • Class/Grade 1-11:  Full year (we will add class 12 in 2024/2025)
  • French
  • Enrichment classes: - handwork, movement, foreign languages, music and more!


All students and families must adhere to the following:



  • All students and families must adhere to the following:

  • All Application fees, registration fees, and tuition fees are completely non-refundable.  See below for more information. 

  • Payment is due immediately upon registration. Non-payers will be parked and removed from registered classes without payment.

  • For those on payment plans, payments are due on the 1st. Accounts that remain unpaid on the 7th of the month will accrue a $50 late fee and be parked. At 14 days past due, students with outstanding accounts will be removed from the class. The spot in the class will then be opened to our waitlist. To rejoin your class, if a spot is still available, all payments must be made in full. 

  • Families are homeschoolers and must register and/or meet their required State/Country Laws. United States Homeschool Laws can be found at https://hslda.org/legal. While we are a cooperative of teachers, we are not an accredited school at this time.

  • All students will be placed in the grade/class based on their age and Steiner’s placement guidelines. If requesting a different grade placement, we are happy to email families one on one and review main lesson work samples. 

  • We believe that all students have a right to a safe and healthy school environment. All students, teachers, staff and families should treat each other with kindness and respect regardless of differing beliefs, views and opinions.

  • All work and communication must be respectful. Profanity, racism, bullying, harassment and sexually explicit content will not be tolerated.

  • All course materials can be used for the student registered for the class and can not be reproduced or shared with any other student. 

  • Parents and students are responsible for the success of their student’s learning. Teachers are expected to provide the lessons based on Waldorf pedagogy.

  • Parents and students are expected to do the work and stay up to date with class assignments. Our classes are not set up to go at your own pace, they are set up to run on a schedule to cover all material for that class period. Prerecorded lessons will only be visible for a maximum of 30 days and for many lessons no longer than 3-5 days. Families will have access to content for two weeks after the school year ends this allows teachers to finalize grades and reports. Additionally, our live zoom classes are not posted in the portal and are not available for viewing due to the privacy of our learners. It is imperative that you treat this as you would an in person class. For the success of your student and your experience with the course, regular contact with the teacher is recommended. 

  • Students beginning later in the year will not have access to content that has been missed unless that content is critical to future lessons. 

  • Each grade's teacher will provide evaluations for their students. Evaluations are only possible when a sufficient amount of consistent work is turned in.  

  • The parent is responsible for keeping all lesson books and records you may need to meet your State/Country homeschool requirements. 

  • Class teachers will follow a 32 week schedule, if your State/Country homeschool laws require more days or time you must fulfill those requirements independently.

  • Seasons of Seven Virtual School does not provide Standardized testing. If testing is a requirement for your State/Country, parents are responsible for seeking these resources.

  • We can accept Arizona ESA but please contact us first. Families will be responsible for the 2.5% charge that ClassWallet charges Seasons of Seven.

  • Charter School Policies for Seasons of Seven: Please email us for information on charter funds. 




Seasons of Seven Virtual School strives to support our teachers, students and school in the best way possible. We work hard to keep our overhead costs low to allow most of the funds received to go straight to our amazing teachers.  All payments are non-refundable to cover these areas. 

Our college of teachers is composed of trained Waldorf teachers who are well versed in bringing lively lessons. 

These terms of service are subject to change as needs arise to meet the standards of our school.