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May my child receive First Communion with the OLMC Homeschool Group?


Yes!  Homeschool families may prepare their children for First Reconciliation & First Communion as part of their homeschool religion classes, and then recieve Communion with the parish group.  This usually takes place each year at the very beginning of June.

You are free to select your own curriculum or method of sacramental preparation.  The only assessment required by the parish is a written interview to be completed at the end of the school year.  This will be administered by Jenna Jackson, director of Children's Ministry.

Homeschool families wishing to receive sacraments with OLMC must be registered and active members of our Homeschool Group.  The parish also requires that sacrament recipients be registered as members of the parish. This allows them to collect and maintain the necessary records of sacramental reception.  Registration must be completed by the end of January.

To summarize, here are the requirements from Fr. Anthony and Jenna Jackson:

  • Families must be registered and active in the home school ministry
  • Families who would like children to receive sacraments at OLMC must be registered in the parish by the end of January (this allows time for communication and logistical data recording)
  • Sacrament families will need to complete and submit a brief informational form (Jenna will send this to you)
  • Sacrament students will need to complete a written interview at the end of the year (May) prior to receiving the Sacraments