Clayton Area Homeschool Group Clayton Area Homeschool Group Clayton Area Homeschool Group

Class Registration

2024-2025 Classes

Block 1 (1:35-2:30) Block 2 (2:35-3:30)
Orange Room
Nursery/Play (0-2yr)
0 y/o - 2 y/o
Nursery/Play (0-2yr)
0 y/o - 2 y/o
Red Room
Preschool (3&4yr)
3 y/o - 4 y/o
Preschool (3&4yr)
3 y/o - 4 y/o
Lavender Room
(K-2nd) Nature Explorers
Kindergarten - 2nd
(K-2nd) Sparks and Stars
Kindergarten - 2nd
Green Room
(K-2nd) Arts & Crafts
Kindergarten - 2nd
(K-2nd) Little Pioneers
Kindergarten - 2nd
Mint Room
(2-4th) American Sign Language
2nd - 4th
(2-4th) Life Hacks/Real World Readiness for Kids
2nd - 4th
Yellow Room
(3-5th) Astronomy
3rd - 5th
(3-5th) United States & National Parks
3rd - 5th
Peach Room
(3-5th) Pioneering & Westward Expansion
3rd - 5th
(3-5th) World of Art
3rd - 5th
(Middle/High) Theater
6th - 12th
(Middle/High) Christian Garage Band
6th - 12th
Aqua Room
(Middle/High) Games Club
6th - 12th
(Middle/High) Forensic Science
6th - 12th
Blue Room
(Middle/High) Survival Skills
6th - 12th
(Middle/High) Unsolved Mysteries
6th - 12th
Purple Room
(Middle/High) Homesteading
6th - 12th
(Middle/High) Art Exploration
6th - 12th

2023-2024 Classes

Block 1 (1:35-2:30) Block 2 (2:35-3:30)
Orange Room
Nursery/Play (0-2yr)
0 y/o - 2 y/o
Nursery (0-1yr)
0 y/o - 1 y/o
Red Room
Preschool (2-3yr)
1 y/o - 3 y/o
Preschool (2-3yr)
1 y/o - 3 y/o
Lavender Room
(K-2nd) Music and Movement
Kindergarten - 2nd
(K-2nd) Little Engineer
Kindergarten - 2nd
Green Room
(2nd-5th) Geography - South America
2nd - 5th
(2nd-5th) Veterinarian & Zoology
2nd - 5th
Mint Room
(3rd-5th) Creative Book Adventures
3rd - 5th
(2nd-5th) Living Off the Land & Homesteading
2nd - 5th
Yellow Room
(K-2nd) Science STEM
Kindergarten - 2nd
(K-2nd) Social Studies
Kindergarten - 2nd
Peach Room
(2nd-5th) Chorus
2nd - 5th
(3rd-5th) Simple Machines & Structural Engineering
3rd - 5th
Blue Room
Pre-k 4yr olds
3 y/o - 4 y/o
Pre-k 4yr olds
3 y/o - 4 y/o
Purple Room
(9th-12th) Life Skills/Adulting 101
9th - 12th
Pink Room
(6th-8th) Logic & Reasoning
6th - 8th
(6th-8th) Geography - South America
6th - 8th
Overflow Space
(6th-8th) Health: Human Body & Mind
6th - 8th
(6th-12th) Games
6th - 12th
Biology LAB (8th-12th)
8th - 12th
Volunteer 14+
HS Study Hall
9th - 12th