About Us


Who are we?



Christian Home Educators of Clark County (CHECC) is a homeschool cooperative group that focuses on interest based classes, meaning we try to nurture the appeal of our kids. We meet twice a month, September through April, with occasional events such as field trips, a talent show, craft fair, or family get togethers. We are an eclectic group that wants to support and encourage you on your homeschool journey, no matter where you are in the process. Our classes are dependent on our parent volunteers! We know how intimidating stepping up to teach a group of kids can be and there are plenty of service options as you are getting connected. Each class has at least one parent helper. Our priority is fellowship and community with families who share the same beliefs.


Statement of Faith


Christian Home Educators of Clark County (C.H.E.C.C.) Statement of Faith

  1. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; Creator of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen.

  2. We believe the Holy Spirit; God, spoke through the prophets and apostles to give the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God; the Bible.

  3. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension, and in His personal return in power and glory.

  4. We believe man is by nature sinful and is inherently in need of salvation, which is exclusively found by faith in Jesus Christ and His shed blood.

  5. We believe in the bodily resurrection of all men, the saved to eternal life, and the unsaved to everlasting punishment.

  6. We believe in the existence of a personal devil who is working in the world to destroy the souls of men.

  7. We believe in the church, the body of Christ, which consists of all believers. As believers, we should live our lives in such a manner to bring glory to God and not reproach upon our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  8. We believe God in His Word has given parents the responsibility and authority to educate their children in a godly manner, and to protect them from ungodly influences in the world.

  9. We believe that each human being is wonderfully created in the image of God, as male or female; two distinct complimentary genders. 

  10. We believe that marriage is biblically defined between one man and one woman and any relationships that are outside of the boundaries of the biblical definition is sinful and offensive to God. 



How do I become a member?


Our group has three levels of membership; Full Membership ($65), Associate Membership($65), and Recreational Membership($25). Family Membership priviledges depends on the level of membership your family chooses. 

1. Contact the Secretary by emailing checcfamily@gmail.com

2. She will respond with information about our group and send a information on how to fill out an application. Please note, the application does not guarantee membership status. Once we have reviewed your application, we will contact you for an interview over the phone or in person.

3. You will be notifed of your membership application.

4. If approved, you will be sent a general information packet via email with a welcome letter, a quick guide to CHECC, and important dates.

Contact us for more information!



Is there a cost?


Yes. We have an annual membership fee. Some classes and field trips also have a fee, but it is up to you what you want to sign up for. We try to keep our class fees reasonable and affordable. Class fees range from free to $50 depending on the class. 


Do I drop my kids off?


NO! Our group is completely cooperative, as in its name. We believe that parents are the best teachers for our children therefore we require parents to stay for the full time your child is in classes or attending. We encourage our parent involvment by volunteering in various ways.



Who teaches the classes?


We are a completely parent-lead group and we depend on parent volunteers to teach classes for our kids as well as volunteer for committees and other positions. Occassionally, we are able to secure a teacher who has a specialized expertise in a particular area. 


What types of classes do you offer?


Class types are completely up to your imagination as long as it abides by our Statement of Faith. We do not typically offer full structured curriculum.

 We have offered classes in the past such as: 

  • P.E.
  • Cooking
  • Art (clay, general)
  • Science Experiments
  • Science Fair
  • Puzzle Club
  • Gameschooling
  • Photography
  • Wood Building 
  • Writing


What if I don't feel comfortable teaching?


We understand your hesitancy! If you are a first time member, you are welcome to explore the different volunteer opportunities in our group while observing our groups methods. We do require some positions to be filled throughout the year, which are rotated among families and will be prearranged if you do not personally sign up for the needed volunteer positions such as recess monitor and cleaning duties at the end of our group time. We roatate families so that you would only be responsible for those duties 2 - 3 times for the year, depending on our group size. 

We also need parent helpers in some of the classes. If you don't make a request, we will assign you to a class that your child is in. 

Remember we are a completely parent-volunteer oriented cooperative group!