White County Home Educators White County Home Educators

Mississinewa 1812

Add to Your Calendar: 10/11/2014 09:00 10/11/2014 16:00 America/New_York Mississinewa 1812

http://mississinewa1812.com for more information.

ADVANCE TICKETS ARE $4 and must be signed up and paid for before September 12.

Bring the family and take a stroll back 200 years at Mississinewa 1812, the award winning premier living history event in Indiana and the finest War of 1812-era re-enactment in North America.

Faithful attention to authenticity means you'll be stepping back into the pristine wilderness life of early Indiana Territory.  Here you will walk among the trees that first sheltered the great Miami Indian villages of 1752.

Mississinewa 1812 commemorates the December 17-18, 1812 battle of Mississinewa fought here between 600 mounted federal troops and British allied Indians.

It is a fresh-air museum, a living portrayal of life as it was two centuries ago, nestled on the bank of the Mississinewa River and clustered around four historic features.

The American and British military encampments, where soldiers and officers share both pageantry and privation as they prepare for the sound and fury of the War of 1812 battle re-enactments.

The Eastern Woodland Indian Village, where Native American arts and skills, music and stories are brought to life among the wigwams in the shadow of the longhouse and picketed stockade.

The Rivertown village, where more than 130 merchants, artisans, craftsmen, food purveyors, and musicians offer their wares, their songs, and their food and drink...Indian fry bread, meat pies, bratwurst and barbecue pork chops, chicken and ribs, tasty stews, and buffalo burgers.

The Wilderness Camp, where trappers, traders, and voyageurs struggle with the ever-notorious river pirates to carve a pioneer settlement from the woodland, bringing new sights and sounds and skills to the frontier.

Link to their website:http://http://mississinewa1812.com

View Event Details

Mississinewa 1812 White County Home Educators whitecohomeed@gmail.com false mm/dd/yyyy aUinrLWZczwYavqgBmQP30959

Date – Time

October 11, 2014 – 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM


Mississinewa 1812
402 S. Washington St.
Marion, IN 46952 US

Additional Information

http://mississinewa1812.com for more information.

ADVANCE TICKETS ARE $4 and must be signed up and paid for before September 12.

Bring the family and take a stroll back 200 years at Mississinewa 1812, the award winning premier living history event in Indiana and the finest War of 1812-era re-enactment in North America.

Faithful attention to authenticity means you'll be stepping back into the pristine wilderness life of early Indiana Territory.  Here you will walk among the trees that first sheltered the great Miami Indian villages of 1752.

Mississinewa 1812 commemorates the December 17-18, 1812 battle of Mississinewa fought here between 600 mounted federal troops and British allied Indians.

It is a fresh-air museum, a living portrayal of life as it was two centuries ago, nestled on the bank of the Mississinewa River and clustered around four historic features.

The American and British military encampments, where soldiers and officers share both pageantry and privation as they prepare for the sound and fury of the War of 1812 battle re-enactments.

The Eastern Woodland Indian Village, where Native American arts and skills, music and stories are brought to life among the wigwams in the shadow of the longhouse and picketed stockade.

The Rivertown village, where more than 130 merchants, artisans, craftsmen, food purveyors, and musicians offer their wares, their songs, and their food and drink...Indian fry bread, meat pies, bratwurst and barbecue pork chops, chicken and ribs, tasty stews, and buffalo burgers.

The Wilderness Camp, where trappers, traders, and voyageurs struggle with the ever-notorious river pirates to carve a pioneer settlement from the woodland, bringing new sights and sounds and skills to the frontier.

Link to their website:http://http://mississinewa1812.com


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