Stephanie (801) 628-5656
Jamie (206) 683-0344
or email us at
2024-25 Family Foundations Flyer

Family Foundations Details
Family Foundations is a LEMI parent class that is designed to improve our mentoring abilities and to help us focus on and recognize principles instead of everything else the world tells us is important. This course does require some reading and writing at home, but is a phenomenal opportunity for parents/mentors to lead out by example.
Our youth copy what we do...not what we say. We are going to be offering Family Foundations online and in person this year. We welcome those who are interested to join us this year, even if you are not attending LUMEZ! Cost is $30/semester or $50/year.
If you want to attend please contact Stephanie or Jamie. For online classes 2024-25 schedule starts on September 12th. It will be every other Thursday from 1:30-3:00pm Pacific Time. In person will be once a month, Fridays from 6:00-9:00pm.
Book list to come soon!

What Does LUMEZ Stand For?
LUMEZ is an acronym for ideals to which we aspire as a community: Liber, Unity, Mentorship, Example, and Zion. Additionally, Lumez is a derivative of lumar meaning "to shine, light". This brings to mind scriptural references to light. "Ye are the light of the world...Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven." (Matt 5:14-16). We use leadership education as we aim to become strong servant leaders that have wisdom and confidence to go out into the world and make a difference.
Liber comes from the root Latin and Greek words meaning "book" and "free." Some English words that come from these roots are "library," "liberty" and "liberate". These reveal the relationship between knowledge and freedom.
Unity is the state of being united or joined as a whole. This is the atmosphere we strive to create in our school. We are here to work together for the good of our families.
Mentorship is vitally important to the success of our school. We will all become mentors in some capacity. This emphasizes that the role of mentors is to become servant leaders who provide guidance, advice, feedback and support to those in their stewardship on their educational
journey. They utilize the various learning environments to meet their mentees where they are at and encourage growth.
Example: We believe in modeling what we teach and showing through action instead of word alone. We cannot be the light that goes out into the world if we do not exemplify the character traits and principles that are in line with Christ's teachings.
Zion: In the Bible, Zion was the "City of Holiness" or a "City of refuge." This is a community that comes together and supports each individual’s strengths and weaknesses. We work together with the single purpose of serving and helping each other on our path towards achieving our God-given missions in this life. We seek to lift each other to higher and holier purposes.
Vision/Mission: We are a *Christ-centered community that inspires each other to continue learning, gaining skills and seeking truth as we prepare for and pursue our individual God given life missions. We aim to strengthen and support
families along this path. We strive to possess the public and private virtue required to become the servant leaders our families and communities need.
*Christ-centered in this statement means seeking to emulate the characteristics and example set by Jesus Christ and aligning one’s life with the principles taught by Him.
Golden Circle
Simon Sinek talks about The Golden Circle and that our "why" is the most powerful thing that guides us- Why is our purpose, it is what drives us and what feels right. This is the intuitive part of our brain and we can't often give a reason for that feeling. How is what sets us apart from other groups/individuals. What, is what the day to day details are.
This is our Golden Circle:
WHY: All individuals have a unique mission in life and they deserve the education that will prepare them to achieve this mission and thrive in life.
HOW: We help families by offering vision, support, mentorship, friendship and community as we encourage each other to pursue A Leadership Education.
WHAT: A community of families who meet together on a weekly basis to participate in Scholar school, Foundational School and mentor classes.
1. All human beings are created by God with divine nature, talents, and with infinite potential and genius. We all have a unique mission that we were born to accomplish.
2. Families are ordained of God and make up the basic unit of a free society.The most important work we can do is within the walls of our homes.
3. We will all be given the opportunity to lead in some capacity throughout our lives and it is our responsibility to gain the skills, abilities and knowledge we need to serve valiantly in this capacity. This is best done through Leadership Education and a close trusting relationship with God.
4. Leadership should be an exercise of moral influence and service as we strive to lift and encourage others.
5. Governments are institutions of men that derive their power from the consent of the governed.
6. We are endowed with God-given agency, the results of our actions are determined by obedience (or disobedience) to natural law.
Prospective Families
If you are interested in more information about our school please contact Stephanie or Jamie. We held an informational webinar, the recording is posted below.