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Our Mission and Values

Rise Up is a non-denominational, Christian organization founded by parents who have a heart to educate their children and serve other families and students in the homeschool community by providing classes, opportunities, support, and resources outside of the home environment. Families of all denominations and faiths are welcome to attend and participate at Rise Up as long as they abide by the guidelines.

Rise Up provides a space for students and families to not only grow in skills and knowledge but also in healthy relationships and community as well.

Rise Up strives to help equip, encourage, and add value to fellow homeschooling families of various ages and stages (preschool-12th grade) along their educational journey now and for future generations to come. 

Rise Up is an actively-involved community of parents and instructors who work together in both the day-to-day and behind-the-scenes functions of the organization. Examples of these functions include (but are not limited to):

-Instructing and assisting in classes

-Setting up and tearing down

-Food sales and other fundraising activities and events

-Cleaning classrooms, common areas, and grounds

-Monitoring buildings and grounds to ensure a safe, respectful, and clean environment for both the rental property and the families involved

-Administration Projects

-Mentorship to families new to homeschooling and also our community


We are a non-denominational, 501(c)(3) organization. We operate our organization and classes based on Biblical principles and beliefs. We are not associated with the location where we rent space but do strive to be good stewards and be respectful of the places and spaces we use along with any other resources and relationships we have. 

Our organization's Servant Leaders, including the Executive Director, Leadership Team, and the Board of Directors, seek above all else to be filled and overflow with Christ in their personal lives and also in their servant positions within Rise Up. They seek to continually learn and grow themselves to humbly meet the needs of the community of families and instructors within the Rise Up community.