Please review the following information to learn more about membership in the ARCHERS Homeschool Group.
If you have additional questions after reviewing this information, you may send an email to our membership coordinator at
When are applications accepted?
Annual membership registration is held during the month of May each year. This is a firm deadline in order to give the Steering Committee time to process and approve applications.
What are membership requirements?
- Agreement with the Grace Church's Statement of Faith. Note: You do not need to be a member of Grace Church
- At least one traditionally homeschooled student
- A completed application and payment (done via PayPal)
- Regular internet access
- Commit to service to the group
- Steering Committee approval
CLICK HERE to view our Membership Covenant.
What is “traditional homeschooling"?
Parents that traditionally home school are using curriculum that they choose, direct, and teach their children without the oversight of the Ohio Department of Education. These homeschoolers are not required to complete any of the state-mandated tests, nor are they accountable to the ODE for their educational methods.
How much does membership cost?
The Membership fee is a nominal flat fee for families of any size. Most of our events are a la carte, that is, they are not required. There may be a nominal fee required for certain events. Classes do require a fee to cover the cost of materials purchased for the specific class. Concert/theater tickets, and any fees charged by a field trip provider are also separate. Check with the Membership coordinator for the current membership fee.
What is the Application process?
An application is initiated upon completion of an online application and receipt of payment. The application is reviewed by the Steering Committee and an interview may be requested. Once a membership decision is made, the membership coordinator will contact the applicant. Those applicants who are not accepted into membership will have their fee refunded. Accepted applicants will receive notification and further instruction via email. Once the new school year begins in mid-July or August, the new member will be given full access to the website, where all group communications and group business are conducted.
What’s required of me as a member?
ARCHERS members serve the group with their God-given talents. Examples of service commitments are: planning a field trip, helping with a holiday party, helping with science, history geography and art fairs, planning a variety of other group events.
What is the “Points” system?
Duties are given a point value. Duties are valued from 1-5 points based on the time required to fulfill them. Each family must contribute at least 5 points a year. Note: So that new members to ARCHERS may become acclimated to the group, they are required to contribute only 2 points their first year.
How are points assigned?
As part of the membership application process, an applicant selects 6 ministry choices (not all will be assigned!) from the Commitment Form. The available options are indicated on the Commitment Form along with the descriptions and dates of various services needed by the group. Commitments are then assigned by the Points Coordinator in a manner that will best meet the needs of the group as a whole, while giving every effort to honor the member’s requests. Commitment assignments are communicated during the Annual Meeting.
What are “Classes”?
Classes are provided by group parents and are meant to supplement core curriculum taught at home. Classes are an opportunity for the students and parents to interact with other group members.
Who is eligible to participate in classes?
Classes are open to group member children of school age (Age 5 by September 1 of their kindergarten year). A completed background check is required for any parent or adult over the age of 18 who will be participating in ARCHERS classes.
What is a typical class day like?
There are 3 consecutive class periods on each of the scheduled class days. Each class period is approximately 55 minutes. Students and parents must be present for all three daily classes.
Who teaches the classes and what kinds of classes are taught?
Adult members teach classes ranging from arts & crafts to high school chemistry. Examples of classes that have been taught in the past are: Speech, Ohio History, Black History, Back Yard Birds, Crochet, Cake Decorating, Owl Pellets, Hermit Crabs, Electricity, Reader’s Theater, and Sign Language. Gym class or some sort of physical activity class is offered.
How many children are in a class?
Class sizes range anywhere from 5 to 15 children. Gym class sizes may be much larger with 20 or more students.
How are classes grouped?
Classes grouped into six age ranges based on the child's age on Sept 1: Pre-K (age 4), Kindergarten (age 5), Six year old class (age 6), Elementary (ages 7-9), Intermediate (ages 10-13), and High School (ages 14+) levels.
Is child care available on the premises during Classes?
Yes, child care from Nursery to preschool is provided for classes.
Why are there separate fees for the classes?
Class fees are based on supplies deemed necessary by each teacher in each class. A class fee typically ranges from $1– $10 depending on the type of class.
Can I drop my student at classes?
No. Because ARCHERS is operated completely on a voluntary basis, parents are required to be present and contribute to the group in some way. Not all parents need be teachers; parents also assist in classes or the nursery.
May individuals who are thinking of joining ARCHERS observe classes before they join?
No. For the safety and security of the children, only members of ARCHERS are allowed to be present during classes.