SMIC Academy SMIC Academy SMIC Academy SMIC Academy SMIC Academy SMIC Academy

Upload New Family documents

indicates a required answer


Thank you for your interest in our cover school SMIC Academy.  "Premiers-Only" members do not to fill out these documents.

- Please, first, make sure you have filled out our Enrollment Request Form, found on our How to Enroll page.  The documents you will need to upload can be found there.

- New families can upload their enrollment documents below.   Your filenames cannot contain any characters other than letters, numbers, spaces, and the dash (-) character.

- If your documents are grouped together into one file, just upload it once.  The registrar will see all the files.


- Once you have joined our website, you can upload your New Student documents for each student.   

- Your enrollment is not complete until
1) you have successfully completed your interview
2) you have paid your tuition and fees
3) you have submitted all 3 New Family forms and all 3 required New Student forms.


1. *

Please provide your first and last name:

2. *

Please provide your email address:


New Family Parent Questionnaire

Allowed extensions: csv, doc, docx, dot, gif, heic, heif, htm, html, jpeg, jpg, m4a, mov, mp3, mp4, pdf, png, pps, ppt, pptx, pub, rtf, svg, txt, xls, xlsx, yyz, zip

Peacemaker's Pledge

Allowed extensions: csv, doc, docx, dot, gif, heic, heif, htm, html, jpeg, jpg, m4a, mov, mp3, mp4, pdf, png, pps, ppt, pptx, pub, rtf, svg, txt, xls, xlsx, yyz, zip

Doctrinal Statement

Allowed extensions: csv, doc, docx, dot, gif, heic, heif, htm, html, jpeg, jpg, m4a, mov, mp3, mp4, pdf, png, pps, ppt, pptx, pub, rtf, svg, txt, xls, xlsx, yyz, zip

Do you have a message for us?

You will receive a confirmation email from our website.  Our New Family Coordinator will be in touch soon to discuss your application and arrange for an interview.