Family: The Sample Family

Here is what homeschool families say about

Thank you for providing the website.  I have gotten so many compliments.  Even many of the people who thought they could not function without the hard-copy newsletter prefer the site.  We have wanted to take the newsletter on-line for many years but security has always been the main issue.  Having edited our newsletter for 2 ½ years I could see the advantages of a website- less cost, easier to have multiple people involved in editing, constantly up-dated information (changes in dates, times and location of events made quickly and easily) and almost, unlimited space.  My family has also put together the directory for the last 15 years.  Now we don?t have to fit that into our home school schedule.  - - Homeschool Group Leader, Nebraska - 200 families

I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for your web-site service.  I am with a support group in South Carolina, and this is our second year with Homeschool-Life. Your web service has been a God-send! It's more than affordable, easy to use, and makes my life as the group administration so much easier!  I also wanted to add that I love the new feature added this year. I especially like the addition of the event sign-up right here on the website!  Keep up the GREAT work!  - - Homeschool Group Leader, South Carolina - 30 families

I am very impressed with your site!  This is going to be a great improvement for our support group, and for all of us who will be administering the site!  Thanks for creating the perfect forum for homeschoolers!  - - Homeschool Group Leader, Iowa - 140 families

By the way, Amy says she is so excited how easily and smoothly putting the website together is going.  You were right when you said most people feel very comfortable using it in a short period of time.  We are very excited about the website- - Homeschool Group Leader, Michigan - 50 families

Thanks for your help with the uploading of the PDF issue. So far that's the only problem I've encountered. I LOVE the way the website eliminates so much busywork for me. I'm still "training" the members to go to the site first, but that will come with time.  - - Homeschool Group Leader, Indiana - 20 families

I absolutely love your product.  I think this will save us a lot of money in copying fees ~ and improve our communication (our main goal).  I am especially impressed with the calendar.  I am not very computer savvy ~ so if I can do this, I know anyone can do it.  - - Thanks again, Homeschool Group Leader, Indiana - 20 families

Thanks for your help as we learn how to use this wonderful tool that you have put together.  - - Sincerely, Leader Homeschool Support Group, Tennessee - 200 families

Your service sounds more and more appealing all the time. I am going to forward this information on to our webmaster. If she likes this idea, I'm sure we will move forward with it. We know and love the FISH folks. (They're the largest homeschooling co-op in our area.) If they like you, you must be good! :)  What a great idea for a homeschooling service!  By the way, THANK YOU SO MUCH.  The website is SO COOL!!!  I am having a blast setting everything up.  - - Homeschool Group Leader, Wisconsin - 20 families

Wow Larry, Thanks for the fast response!  What great service! :) I'm looking forward to this new adventure.  - - Blessings, Michigan - 65 families

Everything is working FINE! I'm absolutely LOVIN' this thing called homeschool-life! Mind if I tell all the other groups around Kansas City?  - - Homeschool Group Leader, Missouri - 120 families

One more thing, thanks for making such a wonderful service available. So far, the website has exceeded my expectations and I am thrilled to be using it! Hopefully by the end of the month all of our family's will have registered.  - - Homeschool Group Leader, Arizona - 130 families

I just wanted to be the first to say hello! We are new to the group, and are thrilled at the format of the website and all the information here. Thank you everyone who has worked so hard to give all of our kids fantastic opportunities for field trips, group activities, sports and the arts. It is appreciated! We look forward to meeting everyone at activities through the year.  - - Homeschool Family, Michigan - 65 families

Just wanted to tell you how impressed I am with the web-site.  I've already put in some information.  Very easy to use and so attractive!  Thanks for putting so much work, time, planning, and thought into your design.  It?s really amazing.  Thanks and God bless-  - - Homeschool Group Leader, Georgia - 75 families

We all love this website and it has made it possible for our families to keep informed and be responsible for keeping up to date on the latest happenings. Prior to your website... one central person had to notify all families of all events (via newsletter -or- phone). The forum is the best! Wow... my life is sooooo much easier thanks to!!!!  - - Homeschool Group Leader, Michigan - 50 families

I was impressed by your site, (received a brochure from a homeschool convention and went home and checked you out). I have not been disappointed. You guys are very professional--which makes our group look professional. You were exactly what I was looking for to help our support group "go to the next level."  - - Homeschool Group Leader, Florida - 50 families

I just wanted to send you a huge ?THANK YOU!!!!!!!? for all you do for the Homeschool-Life website.  I love it!  No particular reason at this moment, except that I just discovered one more thing the website can do for me ... and I just love it so much!  - - Homeschool Group Leader, Oklahoma - 30 families

Hi Larry. Our co-op uses your Homeschool-Life for our web site and we get "wow" comments all the time. I just wanted you to know we appreciate your service that helps us manage our large membership in efficient and effective manner.  - - Homeschool Group Leader, South Carolina - 145 families

We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the site. I was at an event today and everyone was talking about how great it is and willingly paying for their membership.  Thanks. It is SUCH a blessing!  - - Homeschool Group Leader, Pennsvylvania - 60 families

Thanks again for all you do. I don't know how we managed before we had this amazing site!  - - Homeschool Group Leader, Wisconsin – 60 families
“Its soooo easy…”   - - Homeschool Group Leader, Missouri (PS- The homeschool life thing is AWESOME!!!) – 120 families
Your website is SO easy to use!  I've had a great time setting it up, and I can't tell you the hours you saved me, as I was about to embark on redoing our other website.  Using was a life-saver for me, and my kids. Thank you for offering this service.  I think it will make a big difference to our membership.  - - Homeschool Group Leader, South Carolina – 175 families
Hello again!  Well, we've exceeded our 175 members anticipated.  As I've mentioned before, our new website has breathed new life into our group!  At this point, I expect we will be pushing 250 by the end of September. Thank you again for making such a wonderful product!  I was sharing our success and new energy resulting from the website with the President of the Texas Home School Coalition and he too, was excited.  I later heard that due to that conversation, was the buzz of the THSC State Homeschooling Convention.  You make a great product, you get free advertising!  :-)  Just wanted you to know that our new website has enabled our leadership able to focus on leading and encouraging instead of on administrative tasks.  Thank you!  - - Homeschool Group Leader, Texas – 175 families
I am working with my fellow support group leaders on our homeschool website.  I just wanted to take a minute to tell you how appreciative I am for your program.  I have run a statewide homeschool accountability assoc. for the past 5 years and I have tried to have something like this programmed for our group.  For the past 2 years we’ve had local programmers set up an online enrollment for us but it has never been quite what we needed.  When I saw how easy it was to use the site, set up the enrollment form, and manipulate the data, I was ecstatic to say the least!  My husband was overjoyed to know that I wouldn’t be stressed over the data and parts of the enrollment process that weren’t working as they should be.  You do not know what an answer to my prayers your work has been.  Thank you for making this available to the homeschooling community.  I will be sharing this information with other associations in our state. Thank you again and I look forward to our new school year working with homeschool-life!  - - Homeschool Support Group Leader, South Carolina, 100 families

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