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Mrs. Vicki King To All Instructors

My name is Vicki King. I have been married 25 years to a great guy! Our twin sons are 22 and just graduated college with Mechanical Engineering degrees.

I have a Masters in Child Psychology and was a counselor in special education programs, before my boys were born. I homeschooled them all the way to graduation. Now, I am a subsitute teacher and high school math tutor for the Gresham Barlow School District, privately at King Tutoring, and FCCT. I love math and seeing "it" click for students.

I am looking forward to a great year at FCCT!

Preferred method for tuition payments:

  • Cash or check or Venmo @vicki-king-36

Current Classes
Algebra 1 – Instructor (closed)
Geometry – Instructor (closed)
Personal Finance – (closed)
Pre-Algebra – Instructor (closed)