Family: The Sample Family


Mr. Dennis Matthews

Dennis has his master's degree in mathematics and has been teaching/tutoring homeschoolers for the past ten years.  He is able to break down complex mathematic equations into easy to understand patterns and formulas.  His specialty is helping students with the SAT and ACT.  When you student successfully completes this class he or she will be better prepared for their college entrance exams.

Mrs. Marcia Matthews

Mrs. Matthews is an R.N. who has enjoyed using her skills and talents in many different capacities over the past 20 years from the ER, to physician's offices, to the missions field in Peru and Costa Rica.  She is now homeschooling her teens and her grandson, teaching A&P, and writing about her adventures.

Mrs. Matthews is an organized teacher who expects her students to follow the already planned syllabus.  She encourages independence and responsibility, as she prepares her students for life.  At the same time she is fun, friendly, and runs an exciting class full of experiments, hands-on activities, and games.  Past students have learned much from her class.  She is a favorite teacher of many.   


Mr. Phil Sample

Mr. Phil Sample lives with his wife and four children in Somewhere, AK.  He graduated from Ringling School of Art and has enjoyed teaching the students at our co-op for the past number of years.  Past students rave about his classes, especially his humor and creativity. 

Mr. Sample Teacher

Taught 4 years of web design

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