Family: The Sample Family





We chose because it was an affordable way for our homeschooling group to have a web site. A web site, we felt, was an excellent way to share our group information and stay organized. Most of our families access the internet and had email so it was a logical fit. For the families that did not have the internet or email, they use the Public Library FREE internet access and signed up for a FREE Yahoo email address. Our web site allows us to easily schedule all our group activities. We used to spend countless hours organizing our information, planning field trips, preparing newsletters and mailing and answering questions. Now, with, scheduling events and keeping our families informed is a breeze.
We would encourage all our families to take advantage of the family web pages. The kids have a great time learning how to design web pages!


Where is the State form to fill out to homeschool our children?


In Wisconsin, we must file form PI-1206 with the Department of Public Instruction, not asking for permission, but informing them that we are instructing our children at home. This form attests that we are not circumventing the school attendance laws and are providing at least 875 hours of instruction per year covering at least reading, language arts, math, social studies, science and health. To request the form, call 608-266-5761 or write to: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Bureau for School Management Services and Federal Aids 125 S. Webster St. P.O.Box 7841 Madison, WI 53707-7841
For more information and to download a printable version click on Form PI-1206


When is fall soccer signup?


Fall soccer signup is the 2nd week of March held at the Waupun Middle School cafeteria. Please call Curt V. 555-3344 for more information.


Are there music lessons provided in the area?


Mrs. T - Piano lessons, beginner to advanced, 555-9997 Mrs. V - Piano lessons, advanced only, 555-9998
Mrs. G - Trumpet and Band Instruments, 555-9999


Intramural Sports?


The local school will let your son or daughter participate in their sports program with prior approval. Please call Mr. V with your questions.


Should I attend the Annual Kickoff Meeting?


The Annual Kickoff Meeting will be held on September 2nd. It will be a rewarding experience for everyone with games, vendors, sessions and more....


How can I share our personal family web page with family and friends?


You can create a special user name and password and share with your friends and families. They can go to and login. Their user name and password will only open your family page.

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