Untitled Header Image SHINE Calendar Co-op Ministry Tell us your ideas! Sign in to see details for our 2025 Graduation!

About Our Group

SHINE stands for "Supporting Homeschoolers In the NorthEast".


SHINE is a non-profit 501c3 organization designed to provide cooperative opportunities and a support network to families educating their children at home in the Northeast San Antonio, TX area.

Our mission is to provide opportunities for encouraging homeschool families in the endeavor of faithful Christian training and education of their children in the Northeast San Antonio area through the union of like-minded families.

We currently serve families from San Antonio, Schertz, Garden Ridge, Universal City, Randolph AFB, Live Oak and surrounding areas.

Our theme verse, Matthew 5:16, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven," exemplifies our desire to honor Christ in all we do.

SHINE is a completely volunteer group. All the leadership positions are held by parents willing to freely give of their time in various areas to support the SHINE group. The activities that we have may vary from year to year depending what the various parents volunteer to take on for that year.


In the past, SHINE activities have included:

  • Mom's Night Out
  • Co-op
  • Support Meetings
  • Teen Time
  • Field Trips
  • Family Ministries
  • Teen Spring Ball
  • Service Projects
  • Book Clubs
  • Used Book Sale
  • Yearbook
  • Park Days

These are just a few of the activities that are currently going on this year. Please visit our other pages to read more details about what is currently being offered!

Thank you for visiting our site! We look forward to meeting you!