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Kentucky Homeschool Laws

Children who will turn 6 by August 1 of the school year and who have not turned 18 or graduated from high school must attend school or be in compliance with Kentucky’s homeschool law.

1. Notify the board of education. 

You must annually send a private school notice of attendance to your local board of education within the first two weeks of the start of the school year. Traditionally, this has been interpreted to be within two weeks from the first day of school in the local school district. Typically the notice should be submitted no later than the second week of August. The notice should list the students you have in attendance at your school and include their names, ages, and addresses. 

2. Keep attendance and scholarship reports

You must keep attendance reports and scholarship reports (i.e. report cards) in a similar manner as your local public schools do. Generally, this means the reports must be updated every six to nine weeks, depending on the schedule your district has chosen.

3. Teach for the required number of days. 

You must operate your school for 185 days each academic year, which should include the minimum of 170 instructional days and 1062 total hours of instruction.

4. Teach the required subjects in English. 

You are required to include reading, writing, spelling, grammar, history, mathematics, and civics in your homeschool curriculum, and to teach in the English language.

For more information we encourage you to check out HSLDA's website: