Branches Central

Absence Form

indicates a required answer

Absence Form for Branches Absence/Floater Coordinator

Teachers, Teacher Assistants, Floaters, Cleaners, Snack Bar, and more!

Please use this form to alert the Absence/Floater Coordinator of your absence as soon as possible.  Not feeling well on Wednesday, give me the heads up and I'll get to work. Have a planned trip for April, let me know now. If you don't teach until Period 3 and wake up sick, fill out this form ASAP.  Please do not wait until 10:30 to fill out this form for an 11:10 class...but if you do, bring me dark chocolate with sea salt, or a sugar-free vanilla half/half latte, or an iced green tea on the next class day. Just kidding...kinda:)

ALL your jobs/assignments/teacher positions will be covered, up to 4 a semester. Please let your lead teacher or teaching assistant know of your absence...or surprise them the day of when the floater arrives, that's always fun and exciting:) 

REMINDER, Branches' policy states: Branches is not a drop-off program. A responsible adult must be present to care for your child(ren) at all times. In an emergency or unusual situation, like illness, you can have another parent care for your child. Otherwise, all parents are expected to stay on campus at all times. So if you will be absent, but your child/children will be in attendance, tell me below who your Parent On Property (POP) will be.

Thank you, feel better or have a great trip!

Tamara Fromm 602-722-9505


1. *

Date of Absence: we can cover up to 4 a semester.

2. *

First and Last Name (Parent's Name): (i.e. Jane or Jo Homeschooler)


Other Last Names Absent: If your children have different last names than the parent's last name on your Branches profile, please list those last names here.  (i.e. You are Jane Homeschooler and entered that above; however, your child Johnny SmartyPants will also be absent.  Please let me know SmartyPants in the field below. This helps in taking attendance on Thursday)


Parent On Property (POP):  If you will be absent, but child/children will be on campus, let me know who your Parent On Property will be. Branches is not a drop-off program. A responsible adult must be present to care for your child(ren) at all times. In an emergency or unusual situation, like illness, you can have another parent care for your child. Otherwise, all parents are expected to stay on campus at all times. So if you will be absent, but your child/children will be in attendance, tell me below who your Parent On Property (POP) will be. 

5. *

Every Branches Family is serving our co-op community by volunteering 30 minutes prior to class start time, 30 minutes during lunch, or 30 minutes after class day is over.  Which one did you sign up for?  Please select from the following menu. This will alert the Work Crew coordinator and ensure those setup or breakdown jobs are covered in your absence.

6. *

Tell me what your Work Crew Job is. 


Tell me this: class period to cover, Room #, Class name, Job 

EXAMPLE: type this Period 1, SCC2, Guitar, Lead Teacher


Tell me this: Class period to cover, Room #, Class name, Job 

EXAMPLE: type this Period 3, no room #, Floater


Tell me this: Class period to cover, Room #, Class name, Job 

EXAMPLE: type this Period 4, Nailed It, kitchen, assistant



Tell me this: Class period to cover, Room #, Class name, Job 

EXAMPLE: type this Period 4, gym, Cleaning Crew):


Tell me this: Class period to cover, Room #, Class name, Job   

EXAMPLE: type this Period 5, Rink, Pokemon Social Club, Asst. Teacher

12. *

Phone number, with dashes, incase I need to contact you (i.e.602-722-9505) : 


Friendly note (i.e. We are sick, Flying to Disneyland in April, Floater request, I think you're the best, Love you!!):