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About Raising Arrows Co-op

Our Mission

Raising Arrows is a cooperative of like-minded, Christian parents who feel God’s calling to educate our children at home and we desire to provide a structure where we can lead our students to Christ by working together to refine and develop well-rounded students to be bold and strong arrows for Christ.

Our Vision

Our desire is to help parents fulfill that calling by bringing together our varied resources, education, talents, experiences, and God-given gifts for the benefit of all families. This co-op is not intended to be a school or to take the place of the responsibility God has placed on parents in this great adventure of home education.

Our goal is to come alongside families to enrich, encourage and offer support. The purpose of our co-op is to supplement the student’s curriculum through weekly classes, as well as educational field trips and service projects. We offer various activities outside of our regular co-op meetings to encourage and develop community, and to deepen relationships.

Our Beliefs

Members are required to indicate their agreement with our written Statement of Faith; and all teaching in and out of the classroom is expected to conform with these beliefs.

View our Statement of Faith

How we operate

We are a parent-led co-op and it is mandatory and vitally important that each parent contributes to the group through teaching or assisting each week in order to keep co-op running effectively. Parents are placed in teaching and assisting roles according to their God-given abilities.

With the help of all families involved, we combine our God-given gifts for the benefit of everyone. We offer weekly educational classes, as well as service projects, play dates, moms' outings and other various activities so families can make deeper connections outside of our regular co-op meetings.