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First Steps to Homeschooling

Yes, home schooling is legal in California; however, there are important
steps to take when you begin. And if you are transferring out of a
public school, the steps must be taken in the correct order.


BEFORE bringing your child(ren) home from school:

Do some research and purchase curriculum for each subject.


Join Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA).


Decide whether to join a Private School Program (PSP) or a Support Group.

NOTE: A PSP files your affidavit and holds your records, plus many offer activities, field trips and classes. A Support Group provides activities, field trips and possibly classes, but does not hold records. (If you do not join a PSP, you must file your own affidavit and maintain the state-mandated records.)


Notify your former school. 

NOTE: If you joined a PSP, they will do this for you. If you filed your own affidavit, send a letter on your own school letterhead informing the school that your children are enrolled in a private school and requesting their records be mailed to the address of your school.

It is extremely important to take ALL of the above steps BEFORE children are withdrawn from any school.


We at SCA strongly suggest you check out and read more about homeschooling in California, as laws vary by state. It is very important that you know what records you must maintain and that you have learning materials, record keeping and legal support prior to bringing your children home from school.