Del Rio's Homeschool Group ..When you saw only one set of footprints, It was then that I carried you. From the day you became a parent, you also became a teacher, and you are equipped to be a teacher. - Anne Campbell

Middle School Policy

Del Rio Homeschool Group Middle School Guidelines & Policies
Middle school classes are intended to serve grades 6th - 8th grade.

  1. Middle and High School groups meet 16 Fridays a semester.

  2. Students enrolled in middle school classes may not also be enrolled in elementary classes.

  3. Students are not permitted to use the restroom during their 60 minute class period unless their parents notify directors of extenuating circumstances.

  4. Due to the intense nature of our middle school program, fees will be higher to compensate for the amount of planning required by the teachers, especially in our Science Department, to facilitate grades, tests, lab reports, etc. Your class fees will include a tuition fee paid directly to the teacher in addition to lab and supply fees paid through DRHG.

  5. Students may be dropped off for classes if the parent isn’t required to serve in any capacity. Students who are picked up more than 5 minutes after class ends, will ultimately be required to keep their parent on the property.

  6. Sickness & Health: If your student is sick, please take advantage of Skype or Facetime in lieu of bringing your child to class. If you are unsure whether or not your child is ill, please err on the side of caution and keep the questionably sick child at home.


Attendance & Tardiness
Consistent and prompt attendance is vital for the co-op to run efficiently.

  1. Students arriving more than 10 minutes late to class will be counted absent for that class period. They may arrive for the next period class if they’ll be on time.

  2. More than 3 student absences will require dismissal of the student from the DRHG middle school program without fee refunds, barring any extenuating circumstances. 

  3. Middle school students may serve as helpers instead of participating in Study Hall, if it is being offered, on Elementary days by selecting Volunteer Hour at registration time. This time helping can count towards community service hours and students will be responsible for providing their tracker to whichever class they’ve been assigned to help in. On normal Middle High School days, these students will not attend co op.


Dress Code
No clothing that is revealing, see-through, or skin tight on top, middle, or bottom.

  • Leggings may be worn when covered with a top that is no shorter than mid-thigh.

  • Shorts, skirts, and dress hemlines should be no shorter than mid-thigh.

  • All clothing must cover undergarments.  No spaghetti strap tank tops.

  • Dress in a way that is appropriate for the type of class attending (ie appropriate athletic attire and shoes for PE classes).

  • No clothing with inappropriate, illegal, or immoral designs.

  • Dress code violations will result in a student being asked to change or leave co op premises until they are dressed appropriately.


Illness Policy

  1. Please do not bring/send your children who have had fever, vomiting, or diarrhea within the last 24 hours.

  2. Please do not bring/send your children who have a cloudy, runny nose or a consistent cough.

  3. Nursery teachers are permitted to take temporal temperatures if illness is suspected. If the child does in fact have a fever, Mom will be contacted in order to leave co op with their family.

  4. If any family members are ill, elementary children must stay home with their families.

  5. Any accidents should be reported to the Directors immediately. Parents must be notified.

  6. All open wounds must be covered before the student can return to class.

  7. If you have a child with special needs, such as dyslexia or cannot read by second grade, a medical condition, or food allergies/restrictions of which DRHG should be made aware, please indicate that on the Medical Release/ Liability form and inform teachers. DRHG and its families do not claim medical expertise, but will administer reasonable regular care when possible. No medicine will be administered.


Discipline Policy
Discipline notices are reserved for blatant or repeat disobedience and disrespect toward an adult or for physical harm to another student. Warnings may or may not be given before issuing a discipline notice for these offenses. Discipline notices may be written by any adult member of DRHG during any DRHG function, including regular or extra class days, programs, or field trips.

  1. First offense: Verbal warning. Teachers/adults are encouraged to verbally inform the parent of the warning either in person during co-op that day or by telephone during the week after the verbal warning was given. A written communication slip may also serve as a verbal warning.

  2. Second offense: The second offense is to be documented by a written discipline notice. The written discipline notice is given to the parent and the DRHG Board. The student may be removed from class activities depending on his/her conduct.

  3. Third offense: The third offense requires a second written discipline notice. After the second discipline notice is received, the family will receive a written summary letter from DRHG’s Director. If necessary, a conference will be held.

  4. Fourth offense or third written discipline notice: The third written discipline notice warrants expulsion of the student for the semester. DRHG’s Board reserves the option of expelling the family.

  5. The DRHG Board reserves the right to expel any student who receives two discipline notices per semester for
    three consecutive semesters.

Exceptions -Grounds for immediate expulsion:

  • Any purposeful acts of vandalism.

  • Any defiant behavior or foul language.

  • Any alcohol or controlled substances.

  • Any bullying behavior

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you. Matthew 7:12, A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.  Proverbs 15:1