Building Relationships And Nurturing Children's Hearts

Policies To Publications / Articles - Policies

Posted 1/3/20

Mission Statement

We are a group of families that seek to educate our families at home and in a community together, leading and guiding them in the way they should go. We desire to do life together and support each other in this journey. We all have something to offer and we see the value of everyone in the co-op. We are one body with many parts, all essential to the co-op family.

We desire to not only teach our own children, but to disciple the children and lead them toward their own individual callings in life. We will do whatever we can to support each child. In addition to the children, we want to create an environment that supports the whole family.


Statement of faith

We believe that God is the one true God, and there is no one above Him.

We believe in the Trinity; The Father, Son and Holy Spirit

We believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and that He is present with us in the same way now that He was in the New Testament.

We believe that the Bible is God’s holy word, it is living and active, and we believe every word to be true.

John 15:5 (NLT)

5 “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.




We meet corporately, Monday through Thursday. Monday through Wednesday will consist of the core subjects. These will be science, math, history, English. Our day starts at 8:30 with worship. This is daily until 8:55. At this time, students are released to class. Lunch time is 12:10 till 1:00. The lunch period is divided into two groups. Lunch time is followed up by recess.

Each day, students can bring their own lunch. But, we will offer lunch for purchase. The lunch menu will be posted before the school year begins. 

After recess, students go back to class, to be dismissed at 2:05. Parent pick up will be from 2:10 until 2:25. Pickup will consist of a pickup line, divided into 2 lines to expedite this time. If you are going to be later than 2:25, we need to know. Please know that we have our own plans after school, so you need to be on time. If you need afterschool care,  it will be offered, on a limited basis, at $10 a day, per student, until 5:00pm. You must sign up and pay for this service at least 1 day ahead of schedule. 

On Thursdays, we will offer various specials. These will include music, dance, drama, languages, physical education and more. The Thursday schedule will be 8:30-3:00.


Students will each have a login on

The students login will be their first name and last initial, all lowercase, and the password will be branch. This home school work is a requirement for our school to be successful. 

We will take field trips throughout the year, on days off of school. These days will not be required, but will be fun!! Field trips are paid for by the families, and not the co-op. 

Our goal for co-op is to have a fun-filled learning experience. We are a close knit group that does a lot of life together! We will have things that we have to work through together, and we want to honor God in all that we do. We will not tolerate gossiping, bullying and complaining. We expect this from the parents, also!  We want to teach them about mutual honor and respect. We ask that you, as the parents, help us teach the kids to turn problems over to the Lord first, and then work it through with the person, in love. If this does not work, we ask that you bring the problem to leadership. Remember, we can’t deal with issues that we don’t know about! Help us help you! This is a learning process for all of us, and we appreciate your willingness to walk with us through this. 

We have a zero tolerance for bullying, name calling and physical altercations. We also do not tolerate students disrupting the learning environment. It is possible that you will be called to pick up your student if one of this situations come up. If a student brings or participates in activity that includes cigarette,  alcohol or drug activity, they will be expelled. These activities are completely unacceptable. 


What are the expectations for each family?

Pay the book fees: We are purchasing all curriculum for the students. The book fee will cover all books needed to start the school year. The book fees are NON-REFUNDABLE, but you will own the books. 


Volunteer: We are doing this together and need volunteers in all areas. We will make you aware of areas that are available for you to work in. This is not required on a daily basis, but will just be as needed. $7 per hour that you volunteer will be deducted from your monthly tuition fees. You must keep track of hours worked, if you want the credit for them. Volunteer jobs must be approved ahead of time, and a background check must be completed. There are opportunities to teach classes 1, 2 or 3 hours a day,  as well as assisting, grading, cleaning, lunch and recess help. This enables us to keep tuition low.  


Clean up: We are required to clean up each week that we have co-op and each person will have to help complete the daily clean-up. We don’t want to have one person doing all or most of the work. You will be provided with a schedule at the beginning of the year and your family will be on that schedule about 4 times during the school year. If you are working or have something preventing you from coming to clean, you can pay a $50 fee to cover someone else cleaning.


Work at home: The only way this co-op will work is if each family makes sure they do the assigned work for home days. We need to keep the work at a certain pace to get through the curriculum, and if work from home is not complete, students will be behind.


Attendance: Good attendance is vital to the health of our co-op. Students and volunteers need to be on time and come prepared for the task at hand. If you must miss, please contact us ASAP to let us know, and all work must be completed for credit. 


Have a registered homeschool: You must be registered with the state of North Carolina as an individual home school. Your family is the “school”, we are just walking with you in this journey. 

Supplies: You will be provided with a list of needed supplies for your students and their classroom. 


Your commitment: We plan our budget for the school year. We pay our teachers based on that budget. When you sign up for our co-op, we expect you to pay for the whole school year. We know that things come up. We are willing to release you based on something that you cannot control. But, if the reason is not some kind of life changing circumstances, please know that you need to finish paying for the year. 




Curriculum for 2020-2021 School year


K-4  TBD

5-8 Notgrass From Adam to Us

9-12 Notgrass Exploring World History



The Good and the Beautiful


k-2nd grade The Good and the Beautiful courses, will be completing multiple units

3rd-7th Science in the Beginning

8th  grade Apologia General Science

9th grade Physical Science

10th-12th grade Biology, Advanced Human Anatomy or chemistry


K-2nd grade, The Good and the Beautiful

3rd-12th grade, Teaching Textbooks. We will be doing the textbooks in class. We strongly encourage families to get the monthly, online subscription to assist with the home work days.


Due to rising curriculum fees, we have had to raise this cost. 

k through 2nd book fee $300

3-12 grade book fee $350, per student




2020-21 School Calendar

January 1- March 1st Open enrollment for returning families, and non attending siblings, $125 non refundable registration and facility fee per family + 25% of curriculum fee due to hold spots. Curriculum fees are as follows: kindergarten through 2nd grade, $300 per student, 3rd through 12th, $350 per student

March 1st Open enrollment for new families. First come/ first served. $125 registration fee + 25% of curriculum fees due to hold spot. Fees are non-refundable.

July 25, 11-2pm,  Family day at the park, Bakers Creek Park in Kannapolis. Remainder of curriculum fees due. 

August 1st Tuition due. Tuition for the school year is $1700 for the first student in the family, $1000 for each additional student, to be paid in ten equal payments, August 1st-May 1st. This is $170 for the first student and $100 for each additional in a household, per month.

August 15 Orientation, 6-8

August 24 First day of school

September 7 Labor Day, no school

October 5 One week break

November 23 One week break

December 21- January 4 Christmas break

February 22 One week break

April 12 One week break

May 26 Last day of school

Tuition is due the first of each month, and is late after that. Starting on the second of the month, $25 fee will be assessed.