Untitled Header Image Homeschooling? Join us! Fun & Hands-On Elementary Classes! Homeschooling in Jr.High & High School?                       We've got you covered! 2024-25 Registration Coming Soon! We offer PreK-12th Classes with fun activities & field trips throughout the year!

Secondary Overview


Our Secondary academic program provides a fun and engaging class time on Fridays, followed up by daily work for students to complete at home throughout the week. Core classes meet on Fridays; Elective classes meet on Thursdays. Some Core classes will also meet online on Wednesdays for a "2nd Connect" (see below for more info).

Secondary classes are offered a la carte, and students are welcome to take as many as they like. Each class is designed to be a full credit for your students for the year. 

Middle School (6th-8th) students will average 30-45 minutes of work each day and High School students will spend an average of 45 minutes to 1 hour each day on assignments.

While For the Kingdom teachers provide the planning and the assignments, we are simply partnering with parents as they home educate their student. We provide structure and accountability, but the parent remains the student’s primary teacher and assigns the final grade(s).

Google Classroom

For the Kingdom uses Google Classroom so teachers, students, and parents can easily communicate, get assignments, submit work, and participate in discussions throughout the week.

2nd Connect Most core classes will also meet again online via Google Meet on Wednesdays for 2nd Connect. This gives the student and teachers the opportunity to review material presented from the previous Friday, continue the class discussion, and facilitate completion of homework each week.  Each secondary student will be assigned a Google account through the For the Kingdom Google Suite which will allow them to be added to each of their classes.

Weekly Assignment Sheets

We also have a great tool that students utilize every week and parents LOVE! We call these Weekly Assignment Sheets (WAS). This is the go-to place for students and parents to see what their students are assigned to do each day. We love that parents can use this sheet to be involved in what their students are doing. On our Weekly Assignment Sheets there are places for parents to track grades and…HOURS! Yay! Each week, students will complete the work assigned by their teacher at home.  We ask that parents check and edit homework as needed and sign this WAS to verify that their student completed the homework.

For each class, teachers will check the WAS to see that parents did sign the sheet and students did do the work assigned. Completing the work is essential for classroom discussion and students and parents are accountable to this. If a student is unable to complete the work, our teachers and administration will work with them and their parents to find a workable solution.

Scope & Sequence

Our classes are offered on a rotating schedule   What you see this year is not exactly the same as what you will see next year. But don’t worry….the core classes and many of the electives will be back around the year after! We have worked tirelessly to provide classes that students need and want, while ensuring continuity from 6th grade to 12th grade. Each year, your student will be able to take classes that are necessary for graduation as well as a wide variety of elective classes for fun.

**NOTE: A Study Hall hour is available if needed. Any additional on-campus, non-class hours will be considered Service Hours. Additional Study Hall hours are available for an additional fee.

To see the 2023-24 Secondary (7th-12th) Schedule click HERE..

To see JH/HS Tuition & Fees, CLICK HERE

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Secondary Scope & Sequence

Secondary Scope & Sequence