Untitled Header Image Homeschooling? Join us! Fun & Hands-On Elementary Classes! Homeschooling in Jr.High & High School?                       We've got you covered! 2024-25 Registration Coming Soon! We offer PreK-12th Classes with fun activities & field trips throughout the year!


General FAQ


What is a Homeschool Co-op?


We are homeschooling families who have joined together to share in the education of our children. For the Kingdom provides an opportunity for home-educated children to experience learning in a group atmosphere, develop accountability, and experience teamwork while growing in character and academic excellence.

We want to cultivate a culture of honor and respect in relationship with one another, give our children a strong foundation in knowing God, and provide a place that will encourage their hearts to love and serve others.


How can FTK help my homeschool?


FTK strives to come alongside Homeschool Families in various ways. 

Our Elementary program can be used as a Weekly Enrichment Program OR as a full weekly curriculum by just adding Math and Language Arts at home. Follow along with us at home for a full year's worth of Science and History, Book Club (1st-4th) or Writing Club (5th-6th), P.E. and Art. 

Our Secondary program offers a full array of solid core and elective classes, which satisfy Missouri Jr. High and High School requirements.  Classes are offered a la carte, and each student can take up to 5 classes throughout the day along with time for lunch, clubs and Chapel.


Does FTK have a specific religious affiliation?


For the Kingdom Homeschool Co-op was founded by and is comprised of Christian families. FTK is non-denominational, but represents home educators from a variety of Christian backgrounds. We have a wide range of worship expressions, differences in understanding on some practices, and various expectations of what Christian living looks like within our co-op. Each person’s individual beliefs and practices are properly respected and honored. 

Each family joining For the Kingdom is asked to sign our statement of faith. While we don't expect your family to have the exact same beliefs, we want to be up front with our faith and our worldview. It’s important for potential members to understand that we want to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ in all we do and that Christian practices – such as prayer, worship, and reading from the Bible – are a part of our weekly program.   

See our Statement of Faith HERE


When does FTK meet?


All students meet on Fridays from about 8:45 am to 3:30 pm, depending on the classes chosen.

Elementary students, nursery through 6th grade, meet on Fridays from 8:45 am to 3:30 pm from late August through mid May. Students enroll in the entire day of classes, as classes for the elementary program are not offered a la carte.

Secondary students – Jr High (7th- 8th grade) and High School (9th- 12th grade) – are offered classes on Fridays from 8:45 am to 3:30 pm from late August through mid May. Students may take classes a la carte or stay for the entire day.
Jr High and High School classes run 60-70 minutes each.  Some Core classes will have a “2nd Connect” each week via an online Google Classroom on Wednesdays.


Where does FTK meet?


We are so grateful that we get to meet each week at Belton Assembly of God Church in Belton, MO. 


Are there any volunteer requirements?


Yes - we are not a "drop-off" co-op. You will be offered a choice of service assignments during registration, and we will - as much as possible - honor your preferences and scheduling needs.

Parents are required to serve on campus two or more Fridays per month. This is truly a cooperative effort in that every family plays an important role in the success of For the Kingdom. A high level of parent involvement is expected. 

You are not required to be on campus when you are not serving. Go HERE to see more details on Volunteer Requirements.


Is FTK for the entire family?


Yes! We offer classes for PreK-12th grade*.  For the Kingdom is a thriving community of homeschool families of all ages and stages. We actively support families in a variety of ways – including prayer, fellowship, homeschooling workshops, book clubs, serving opportunities and the sharing of educational information and resources. We encourage the entire family to participate, including fathers and grandparents!

We also do our best to follow the Family Unit Study model so younger siblings can follow along with older siblings and mom isn't teaching 3 different science/history curriculums. =) We have designed most of our classes to enable your family to study together as much as possible. You'll be able to expand upon the weekly unit studies started on Fridays at FTK and dive deep into Science, History, Art, Cultures & more at home.

*NOTE: Nursery is reserved for teachers and nursery volunteers. Most of our teachers are parents of students and teach to help offset the cost of tuition.  Among other benefits, full time teachers receive priority registration for their children. A full time teaching position also fulfills the family Volunteer Requirement.

To teach at FTK, an application process is required that includes a background check. If you are interested in teaching positions for the 2023-24 Co-op year, please fill out the Teacher Interest form HERE.  


Can I schedule a tour of your campus?


Campus tours are available with prior arrangement. We may also offer a limited number of “Shadow Days” to interested families at the discretion of the administration and teachers.

We also generally hold Open Houses in the Summer, Fall, and/or Spring that gives interested families an opportunity to tour the campus, hear more about our program, and ask any additional questions they might have. We will announce these Open Houses on our website and social media.

If you’d like to schedule a tour, be put on the list for an Open House, or have further questions, please contact us HERE.