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  • As a paid TEACH member you may participate in as much or as little of any of our programs including Sports, Cell groups (field trips), and Co-operative Classes, as well as a number of CHALC benefits.


  •  A full year TEACH Membership is valid July 1 through June 30 per calendar year A membership may be obtained at any time of the membership year and begins at time of payment ending June 30.  Even though a family may pay the upcoming year membership fee prior to July 1, your membership is not effective until July 1.  Prior to July 1 you may view ongoing events displayed on the private secure login part of our website, but if you wish to participate in any program prior to your upcoming July 1 effective date, please pay the current year membership fee in addition to the upcoming year membership.  TEACH membership fees may be obtained at the bottom of our online registration page or on our How TEACH Works page.  Yearly TEACH Membership fee is non-refundable. 


  • Annual Membership fees and semester facility fees are to be paid ahead of time.  They can be combined into one check made payable to TEACH.  It should be mailed to TEACH, PO Box 296, Adamstown, PA 19501. Checks may take 30-60 days to be cashed.




  • We welcome visitors. We meet on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Please contact us to schedule a time to come meet us and see if we are a good fit for your family.


  • We are located near Shady Maple in East Earl, PA. Please enter under the portico and head downstairs.


  • We are not a drop-off co-op. A parent (or guardian) needs to be on site when the student(s) is on site.


  • Each family serves one hour per week.  The assignment is given at the beginning of the semester and is held for all 10 (or 30, if applicable) weeks.  In assigning service positions, the needs of the co-op are matched with the needs/ability of the family, and the family’s scheduled time to be at co-op.


  • Families pay the teacher directly for their course on the first day of class.


  • We ask that you promptly inform the co-op in writing (by email to registerbethanygracecoop@gmail.com) of your desire to withdraw from class(es) for your student(s), or attendance altogether, by August 15 prior to the fall term. A $20 late drop fee OR the materials fee (whichever is greater) will be due and payable to the teacher if you drop a class after that date.


  • The usual start date for the fall semester is the second Tuesday of September.  Co-op runs ten weeks.  High school credit classes continue with an Interterm/winter session for another ten weeks with breaks for holidays.  The spring semester usually begins the first or second week of February and continues for ten weeks.


  • Each family may choose their own scheduled time for being at co-op. That can range from one class for one child, to five classes each for six children, or any combination in between.


  • Fall registration opens approximately the third week of April. Spring registration begins approximately the halfway through November. The registration can be found on the website.