PATH Learning Cooperative PATH Learning Cooperative PATH Learning Cooperative PATH Learning Cooperative PATH Learning Cooperative PATH Learning Cooperative


Who Are We?  The Path Mission

What is Path all About?

Path exists for the Body of Christ in the Rochester Area to come together and share talents, skills, and abilities with one purpose:  To help parents in their education, preparation, and training-up of their middle or high school student. 

For some, that means "PSEO", which allows a high school student to attend college and earn credits. 

For others, that means social connection for their students.  As they rub shoulders with others their age in a Christ-centered environment, they can find their Peeps and grow together. 

Still, some parents are looking for specialization:  They need help with finding that frog to dissect, and teaching subjects they may not excel in. 

And some are looking for additional discipleship:  They like that Path teaches from a Biblical perspective, has opportunities to learn the Bible, and calls their students into being fully engaged Christians in their churches and the world around us. 

And guess what?  For many parents, it's all of the above!  

Path sees itself as a discipleship initiative.  We are praying that disciple making communities will form, and that God will use our time together to create a disciple-making-movement at some point in each student's life.  

What are Path Peeps?

Path Peeps is the name we give the friends we meet at Path.  Anyone who comes to Path is a Path Peep.  Peep is short for "people".  And "Peeps" is meant to convey "here at Path, we hope you find your people."  We hope that our environment helps you connect with others, make friends, and together grow in our faith so we can serve together, and help spread the love of Jesus together.  

So what is the Path Mission Statement?

Path comes alongside homeschooling parents to provide academic, social, and spiritual development, all under the banner of Jesus Christ for the purposes of preparing students to take their next steps.  When you leave Path, our prayer is you will be fueled to head to college, a gap year, or the trades, faithful to engage with the local and global church, all with well developed friendships that reflect the love of Jesus.

Path's Statement of Faith
We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, infallible, the supreme and final authority for all faith and life.
  • We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His astonishing death, His bodily resurrection, and His imminent bodily return in power and glory.
  • We believe man was created in the image of God, but fell into sin and is therefore lost; only those who put their faith in Jesus Christ alone can be saved.
  • We believe salvation is the gift of God brought to man by grace received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who substitutionary death on the cross paid for the penalty of man's sin.
  • We believe that the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to indwell, guide, instruct, convict, comfort, prompt, lead into all truth, and empower the believer for godly living and service.
  • We believe in the spiritual unity of believers through our common faith in Jesus Christ and that individual doctrinal differences which may exist should not hinder the unity of Christian home educators.