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We have this hope as an anchor to the soul. Hebrews 6:19

Anchor Christian Homeschoolers is comprised of Christian families. Anchor represents home educators from a variety of Christian backgrounds. There are many styles of worship, different understandings on some practices, and expectations of what Christian living looks like. Each family joining Anchor Christian. Homeschoolers is asked to sign our statement of faith. It’s important for potential members to understand that we want to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ in all we do and that Christian practices – such as prayer, worship, and reading from the Bible – are a part of our weekly program.
We believe the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired, inerrant, infallible, divinely preserved Word of God which constitutes completed and final revelation, and to be the sole and final authority for faith and practice. (2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:21, Psalm 119:89, Psalm 12: 6-7)
We believe there is one living and true God—eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Genesis 1:1, John 10:30, 37-38)
We believe in the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His cross, in His bodily resurrection, in His personal return in power and glory. (Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23, Luke 1:35, Hebrews 4:15, Hebrews 7:25, John 2:11, Hebrews 9:12, Hebrews 1:14, John 11:25, Acts 1:11, Revelation 19: 11-16)
We believe that man is sinful by nature and that regeneration by the Holy Spirit is essential and an absolute necessity for His salvation. (Romans 3: 19, 23; John 3:16-17, John 5:24, Ephesians 2:8-19, Titus 3:5, 6) We believe all humans are sinful by nature (Rom. 3:23, 5:12) and can only be forgiven by repentance and statement of trust in Jesus as Savior (John 3:16), brought about by the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5-7).
We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost, they who are saved unto eternal life and they who are lost unto eternal death (Romans 6:23, John 3:16, Galatians 6:8, Proverbs 11:19, 2 Tim 1:10, John 3:36, Ezekiel 18:30-32, Matthew 7: 13-14, Revelation 20: 11-15, Matthew 10:28, James 4:12, Hebrews 10:39, Hebrews 10:39, Romans 5:9, 2 Thessalonians 1: 8-9)
We believe in the creation of man by the direct act of God. (Genesis 1:26-28: Genesis 5:1-2)
We affirm the biblical definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24, Mark 10:6-9).
Our association has a Christian emphasis, as evidenced by the Statement of Faith. It is important for all members to realize Anchor Christian Homeschoolers is not a school: it exists only as a cooperative association of parents committed to protect and educate our children.. All classes taught will be taught from a biblical worldview. Science will be taught from a creationist worldview. With your signature, you acknowledge that you are in agreement with our statement of Faith.

2023-2024 Handbook

What is a Co-op?
Co-op is a true collaborative effort of our participating families to provide enrichment opportunities to our children. It allows the kids to learn accountability and study skills in a fun group environment and the opportunity to develop friendships. Likewise, a co-op provides a community for parents to fellowship with one another. The purpose of Anchor Christian Homeschoolers (ACH) is to encourage and engage with the local community of Christian homeschool families through educational and enrichment opportunities. ACH does NOT replace parental instruction at home.

When and Where is Co-op?
ACH currently meets at First Baptist Church Brookline, 2044 S. State Hwy MM, Springfield, MO. 

ACH meets on Mondays from 10am to 2pm. Co-op runs September through May with several breaks observed throughout the year. Please do not contact First Baptist Church Brookline for information. Use anchorchs@gmail.com

What does the schedule for the co-op day look like?

9:40am - 1st Period Teachers arrive/set up their classrooms
10:00 - 10:15 - Prayer/Worship, Devotional, Announcements
10:20 -11:10 - 1st Period Classes
11:15 -12:05 - 2nd Period Classes
12:10 - 12:40 - Lunch/Fellowship
12:45 -1:35 - 3rd Period Classes
1:35 - 2:00  Clean up/Departure

Who can join?
Registration applications are open to all homeschooling families with at least one child age five or older (By July 1st) who are faithfully attending church, willing to uphold the ideals of ACH, agree to the Code of Conduct and Statement of Faith, and comply with Missouri’s homeschool laws. Potential member families must also understand the commitment that they are signing up for when they choose to join the co-op. ACH is not a drop off program. Every family must have at least one parent or guardian on site every week, and the parent/guardian must be participating in serve positions during that time.  All adults that participate in co-op days are subject to a background check. All visiting adults (dad, grandparent, etc) must have a background check on file after two visits.

ACH requires potential members to visit Anchor during the regular session or during summer planned gatherings. A “Visit Anchor” form is available on our website to facilitate such a meetup.

ACH is an HSLDA discount group.  Members of ACH receive a $15 discount on HSLDA membership.  Please see Cari to be added to HSLDA discount member's list or to receive our HSLDA discount code.

Special Needs:
Anchor sees all people as being created in the image of God. We are aware of the students who are making valiant attempts despite considerable struggles. We desire to offer a discreet setting that provides grace in partnership with challenges. It is the responsibility of the parent to take the initiative and open the lines of communication for your child’s unique needs.  Teachers will appropriately make allowances; students must avoid excuses. Teachers at Anchor are not equipped to provide intense academic or behavioral support during a co-op day.

As a co-op, we rely 100% on parental involvement. When you join Anchor, you are making a commitment to teach, assist, clean, and/or participate in other roles throughout the school year every Monday.
Every class that we offer is completely parent-led. We cannot offer classes if we do not have parents who volunteer to teach classes. This is also what keeps member and class fees low for everyone. Lack of commitment results in a heavier workload and possible burden for others. Therefore, every family must be involved within the co-op every week. It cannot be stressed enough, without parents volunteering and cooperating, there is no co-op.  

Serve Positions:
This is truly a cooperative effort. Every family will play an important role in the success of this learning venture. Every family must have a parent or guardian able to serve in at least two serve positions each Monday. A requirement for membership at Anchor is that each parent volunteers to teach at least one class per semester. Our co-op votes on the suggested classes, so you may or may not actually teach - but you must be willing.  Families will be contacted concerning their serve positions prior ot the start of classes. Serve opportunities include the following positions and more: Teacher, Assistant, Monitor, Clean-up, etc. 

What costs are involved in a co-op?

-Non-refundable Registration Fee: $40 per family at enrollment and annually in the fall thereafter.
-Family Membership Dues: $100 per semester (includes one student)
-Student Dues: $20 after the first student at a max of $60.
- Family Membership Dues are due the Monday before each semester begins. Non-payment of dues by the Monday prior to the semester start date may result in your family losing its place in the co-op roster. 

These fees may increase or decrease due to rent or supply cost changes. In the event Anchor does have to modify its fee structure, every attempt will be made to give families as much notice as possible.

Inclement Weather Policy:
In the event of inclement weather, we will close ACH to keep our families safe. Generally, if Republic Schools close, we will close Anchor. When inclement weather is forecast, we will try to utilize Facebook, email, phone tree,  or other agreed upon means of quick communication to let our members know what to expect. Please be safe. If you feel it is not safe to drive to co-op, please alert the Director or Assistant Director as soon as possible. ACH can either assign a sub, or in the event several families will miss, call off co-op for the good of the whole.

We understand that things come up and sometimes, for whatever reason, you may find yourself unable to attend co-op or find yourself late for co-op. Please remember, we are a parent run cooperative and we need everyone’s participation for co-op to run smoothly.
Because each person’s contribution is critical to the success of the whole, we do have an absence policy of two absences per semester. Extenuating circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis. For the times when absence or tardiness is unavoidable, please help us to keep things running as smoothly as possible by alerting the Director/Assistant Director and your assistant or team.

Planned Absences:
In the event you know you will be missing co-op ahead of time, please alert the Director and:
1. Teachers - communicate to your assistant so they know what material to lead with in your
2. Other serve positions - A sub will be assigned from the Substitute List.

Unplanned Absences:
We have all been there when illness and emergency crop up. One minute everything is fine and the next, your child is running a fever on a Sunday night. If you find yourself in a spur-of-the-moment absence situation, please call or text the Director and/or your Assistant as soon as you can. Please don’t email at the last minute as it is unlikely to be seen.

Sick Policy:
- If anyone in your household has vomiting/diarrhea on the Saturday or Sunday before co-op, please do not attend co-op that Monday.
- All children must be fever free for the 24 hours prior to attending co-op on Monday. This means that your child needs to have had NO fever at all on Sunday.

Members should also refrain if they have:
- Upper respiratory or flu-like symptoms that have onset within the previous five days. If your child started having symptoms of a  cold on Thursday, please stay home on Monday.
- Exposed to someone with the flu - remember, flu is contagious BEFORE symptoms appear
- Head lice
- Contagious rash (ringworm, impetigo, etc.)
- Vomiting or diarrhea within 48 hours prior to attending co-op

Child Safety Policies:

Anchor relies on parents to teach, monitor, and chaperone the children enrolled in our cooperative program.  Your family’s safety is of utmost importance to us. As part of our effort to keep all of our members safe, Anchor has the following policies:

  1. All prospective participating families must have a background check completed on the primary volunteer parent before their enrollment is finalized. 

  2. Any person who attends  Anchor in the form of a co-op day or drop-off, chaperoned event  two times must have a clear background check on file before they can attend further co-op days or events.

  3. It is Anchor’s policy to reject attendance at a co-op day or event if an adult’s background check comes back with felonies less than 10 years old or any violent crimes against a person. This includes, but is not limited to, crimes against children, domestic violence, assault/battery, sexual crimes, etc. 

  4. Anchor leadership understands that people can and do become new in Christ. Background checks that do come back less than “all clear” will be discussed and assessed on a case by case basis with the person and leadership and will include a pastoral recommendation from the person’s pastor.

  5. All classes will have two adults present at all times.

  6. Adults are not to help children with bathroom needs. If bathroom help is needed, please let leadership know, and we will make sure to retrieve the child’s parent. 



Board Members:
Director - Cari Rogers
The Director will manage the day-to-day needs of the organization. She is the first to arrive and last to leave on co-op day. She is ultimately responsible for the smooth running of the co-op. She works on membership applications and the interviewing process of prospective applicants. She will create agendas and preside over regular meetings of the Board. She will oversee and fill in for all other positions and assist as needed. The Director is the point person for all other serve positions. All things should go through the Director before being finalized by other offices or committees.

Assistant Director - Charly Martin
The Assistant Director reports directly to the director, she will be prepared to manage operations in the absence of the Director. She will work with the Director on memberships and the interviewing process. She will assist with the overseeing of all other positions. The Assistant Director should be the first stop for any conflicts that cannot be worked out one-on-one.

Treasurer - Melanie Clark
The Treasurer reports directly to the director and  will oversee accounting. She will help with invoices for dues and fees. She will keep record of who has/has not paid and she will notify the director for follow-up. She will also keep track of supplies that teachers request and she will settle reimbursements.

Serve Positions (overseen by the Board Leadership)
Determine what to teach according to his/her capabilities, gifts, and talents
Determine the supplies/equipment needed and report to those needs to the Treasurer for review and acceptance. Modifications may be necessary to keep costs low.
Present a brief description of class.
Responsible for setting up and cleaning up of your classroom space.
Last period teachers/assistant should vacuum as needed
Notify Director of any damage to rooms or furniture
Develop a plan for the Assistant to implement in case of absence

Class Assistant:
Able to back up the teacher when needed and help students
Be familiar with the class materials
Interact with the children by engaging in the lesson
Be able to sub if necessary
Assist with maintaining class order
Assist with set up and clean up as directed by the teacher. Last period teachers and assistants should vacuum as necessary and set the classroom to rights.
Be responsible for wiping down tables

Clean up Crew
Check classrooms to make sure the teachers have cleaned their room.
Check hallways to spot vacuum as needed
Empty all classroom trash into large trash can in gym.
Walk through each bathroom to be sure trash is empty, toilets are flushed, and trash is off of the floor and counter. Spot clean any messes in the toilet area as needed.
Lights off in all classrooms and bathrooms
Remember, we are the last people in the church before Fellowship meals on Wednesdays.
We want to leave the building in a way that esteems the next users over ourselves.

Teen Leadership
All teens will be placed on rotation to serve as teen leadership.
Lunch clean up crew should spot sweep/mop any messes, wipe tables,
Use the large gym broom at the end of the day to sweep gym floor
Set up tables in the manner the church delegates
Lead younger kids in helping as allowed

This is a position that does not count toward your two serve positions. This bulleted list is just for explanatory purposes.
A substitute can jump in and cover for an absent role
All parents will be placed on the substitute list
This list will be a revolving list giving everyone a chance and not overburdening one person over another.

Class Voting:

Each participating parent must be willing to teach a class. Parents will fill out a “Class Suggestion” form for class(es) they are willing and able to teach. Each class suggestion includes a brief description of your class, an appropriate age range, and a class size. Also included is a place for estimated class fees, or how much you think this class may cost per student. For example, if a class includes a workbook you would like to purchase, you may put under class fee “workbook, $5 per student”

A parent may suggest up to two classes.

After all parents have submitted their class suggestions we have a ‘vote’ on our website. We will declare voting open and parents will vote by faux-registering their children into classes.  The classes with the highest registrations win and will then be put into a workable class schedule.  After a class schedule has been created, registration will open and parents will register their children for the following semester’s classes.


Anchor has an allowance for each class. The allowance is set in advance. For the 2023/2024 year, that allowance is $40 per class. This is for teachers to buy other things that the co-op does not have in its supply closet. Teachers can either ask Melanie or Cari to order certain items, or they can purchase the item(s) and seek reimbursement.  Reimbursements must have a receipt or a bill of sale. Please fill out a reimbursement form (Melanie or Cari can get that for you), include your recipes.  All reimbursements must be done as soon as possible. All reimbursements must be done during the semester the item was purchased. After the semester is finished, Anchor will no longer reimburse for items purchased.

If a class needs more than the $40 for a class fee, please submit a class plan and reasons why/items needed for approval. 

We believe it is the parent’s right and responsibility to shape the Godly character of their children and to guide them in their Christian education. In accordance with that belief, all parents and students are expected to represent themselves in a manner that pleases the Lord to the best of their individual ability.

We expect parent’s and children to:
1. Be courteous, considerate, cooperative, and respectful
2. Refrain from using blasphemy, profanity, gossip, slander, fighting, and bullying
3. Dress appropriately and modestly.
1. Be responsive and respectful to teachers, adults, and each other
2. Esteem others as better than yourselves in the spirit of Philipians 2:3-4
3. Avoid unkind words and filthy language ( Colossians 3:8)
4. Participate in class.
5. *Continued disruptive behavior can result in dismissal from ACH
6. Violence and threatening behavior will not be tolerated.
7. Do not leave assigned classroom, gym, or outdoor learning space without permission from your teacher
8. Students are expected to clean up after themselves and help clean up after classes and at the end of the day.
9. Older students are expected to help with the set up of tables and chairs at the end of classes. Helping in this set-up for Wednesday night fellowship is our service to the church.
10. Dress appropriately for co-op day. Wear proper shoes and clothing for your chosen classes. All clothing should be properly sized, modest, and unrevealing in cut, fit, and texture. Wear clothing that draws eyes and attention to your face, not your body.
You must agree to and sign this agreement,
1. I understand that my child’s education and discipline is my responsibility
2. I understand that this is a cooperative education venture and that every family unit must have at least one parent or guardian on site during the entire co-op session who is willing to serve in some capacity. This means that errands, appointments, etc. should be scheduled outside of Co-op time, and no one should be leaving early nor coming late, as this undermines the functioning of Co-op and shortchanges the other participants. Extenuating circumstances will be considered, but joining ACH requires a level of commitment that means we do not schedule other appointments or activities on Mondays when co-op is in session.
3. I understand that I will be required to commit to two serve positions - teach, assist, sub, board, special events, or activities, and other capacities as needed. Children will not be registered for co-op unless their parents have made a commitment to help.
4. I will take my responsibility to the group seriously, and I will arrive on time and be as prepared as possible.
5. I understand that my children will be held to the Student Code of Conduct. If an issue arises, the teacher or other adult will speak to the parent first. If an issue arises or a conflict cannot be resolved between parent and teacher, the matter should be brought to the attention of the Director/Assistant Director.
6. I do understand that continued misbehavior that results in continued disruption of class, damage to persons or property, or disregard of the Code of Conduct may result in my family’s dismissal from ACH. After three issues, a meeting with the Board will be held to determine a course of action.
7. * I will strive to be patient and understanding with everyone’s children as well as other parents. I will remember to assume good intentions in all circumstances. I will work to understand another’s point of view. I will strive to build others up and not tear them down.
8. **If an issue does arise with another adult, I will communicate it respectfully to that person first, in private. I will not talk about the issue with others before talking with the involved person. This is gossip. If the issue is not resolved, the adults are to discuss the situation with a member of the Board.
9. I will work together with the other parents so that the group runs smoothly.
10. * Homeschooling sometimes brings about political discussion, especially in years when legislation threatens homeschool freedoms. I will respect the beliefs, opinions, and political affiliations of other members. I understand that parents are to use discretion and try to avoid conversations that may alienate another member or cause conflict. The topic of politics is not usually conducive to a peaceful atmosphere, and I will do my best to remain respectful in the event such conversations arise. I will excuse myself from the conversation if necessary.
11. *I will be vigilant about keeping sick germs at home. I understand the 48 hour policy of gastro illnesses with vomiting and diarrhea and I understand that all fevers must be absent without medication for 24 hours preceding co-op.
12. I understand that promptness and attendance is required for the success of co-op. However, if I am running late or unable to attend, I will notify my assistant, the leadership and do my best to secure a sub for my position.
13. * I understand that continued absences or tardiness on my part may affect the smooth running of the co-op. I understand that in the event of such continued absences or tardiness, that my family may be asked to leave the co-op.
14. If my child has special needs, I will discuss those with his/her teacher and the Directors prior to the start of co-op.
15. I will do my best to make sure that we go home with all the belongings brought on co-op day by my family. I understand that ACH nor First Baptist Brookline is responsible for my items that are left, forgotten, lost, or damaged.
16. I will check my emails or other, agreed upon modes of communication, often.
17. I will notify the Director/Assistant Director about any medical conditions, allergies, etc. for each of my children and myself.
18. I understand that I must sign an insurance liability waiver for myself and each of my children. Failure to sign will result in inability to join ACH
19. Child safety is of utmost importance.  An adult or older youth should never be isolated with a younger person.  We have a two adults in the room with children policy.  If one adult needs to step out for something, leave the door open and notify the parents that are off duty by way of walkie talkie.
20. All adults that come to campus or any Anchor event more than two times in a given year must have a background check on file.
Please also keep in mind:
1. Being a member is a privilege and one’s participation can be revoked due to misconduct. The Board may also deny participation to any member at their discretion.
2. The Board reserves the right to dismiss any member for any reason at any time.
3. The Board reserves the right to change policies and procedures to accommodate the needs of the group and will notify all members should such a situation arise.
4. When we are attending activities as a group, our behavior reflects not only on the individuals but on ACH as well. We ask that you continue to adhere to the Code of Conduct when we are outside of our normal building the same as when we are in it.

By joining Anchor Christian Homeschoolers, you agree to abide by the Handbook,
Statement of Faith, and Code of Conduct therein. Failure to abide by any may result in dismissal from the group.
If a concern or conflict arises, please bring it to the attention of the Director/Assistant Director so that it may be addressed.

Parent Signature:__________________________________________________
