CHOICE Homeschool Group


Box Tops - Box Tops have gone digital! Download the app to submit your receipts. Sign up for a free account at and search for CHOICE Homeschool Support Group.


Cookbook - CHOICE Cookbooks are $5.00 each.



ETC Snacks - We have drinks, chips, and candy for sale during lunch time at ETC. If you are interested in helping, please speak to someone on the ETC Committee. You can pre-purchase a Snack Card for your student to use during the school year. Click to pay below. Sodas $1.00, Water $.25, Chips $.50, Chocolates $.25, Gummy Candy $.25

$2.00 Snack Card:
$5.00 Snack Card:


Other Fundraiser Ideas:

Attractions Dining and Value Guide

Krispy Kreme Fundraising


We do different fundraisers each year. The money we get from each fundraiser first goes to the designated activity or group. If enough money is raised and there is excess, that money gets moved into the general fund to be dispersed as it is needed. We discuss fundraisers and money at our bi-monthly planning meetings. If you would like to be a part of a meeting, please sign up on the calendar and join us!