CHOICE Homeschool Group

About Us

Mission Statement

The purpose of this organization shall be to provide support, information, and encouragement to Christian homeschooling families.


Vision Statement:

Own: Our vision is for our members to take ownership of their group and serve the group with love and grace. CHOICE is a "member lead" organization. We rely on each member to be committed to using their unique gifts and abilities within the group. With every member doing their part, the load will be lighter for all.

Interact: Our vision is for all of our members to interact with one another through face-to-face encouragement as we build strong relationships with other families within our group. Our goal is for all of our members to support and care for one another.

Connect: Our vision is to connect our members through providing "beginning of the year" connection meetings, monthly support meetings, informational meetings, family outings, field trips, and enrichment classes. We encourage all of our members to use these opportunities to obtain information and stay connected.

Encourage: Our vision is for all of our members to encourage each other to grow in God's wisdom and to help each other build strong family relationships, as well as strong friendships within our group.


Statement of Faith


  • The Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspire and is God’s revelation of Himself to man.  It is a perfect treasure of divine instruction. It has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth, without any mixture of error, for its matter. Therefore, all Scripture is totally true and trustworthy. It reveals the principles by which God judges us, and therefore is, and will remain to the end of the world, the true center of Christian union, and the supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds, and religious opinions should be tried.  All Scripture is a testimony to Christ, who is Himself the focus of divine revelation. II Timothy 3:15-17
  • There is only One True God–revealed in...Father, Son, and Holy Spirit   Matthew 28:19
  • The literal account of Creation, that God created everything and that in His own image and likeness, He created man. Genesis 1
  • All people are sinners and in need of salvation.  Romans 3:23
  • We are saved by grace through faith, which is a gift of God, not of our own works.  Ephesians 2:8-9
  • The Lord Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, suffered and died on the cross, rose bodily from the dead and ascended into heaven.  Luke 1:31-35
  • In the hope and reality of Jesus Christ’s return. John 14;3
  • That God loved the world enough to send His only Son to earth to die for us.  John 3:16
  • Those who confess Jesus is Lord and believe in their hearts that He rose from the dead will be saved.  Romans 10:9-10


Code of Conduct

As members of CHOICE, we represent the home educating community and, most importantly, our Lord Jesus Christ, to those around us. In recognition of this fact, we should behave in a manner consistent with the instruction presented in God’s Word.
In deference to the parent it is often uncomfortable for the adult in charge of an event to discipline someone else’s child. With this in mind, we present the following guidelines. Please teach your child(ren) the appropriate behavior and attitudes for compliance as well as telling them the adult in charge of the activity has been delegated by CHOICE Group (and you) to speak to them about inappropriate behavior:
1. Have respect for authority figures, whether that is the person in charge of a field trip, a tour guide, leader at ETC etc... I Peter 2: 13-17
2. Have an attitude of compassion for the differences, needs or disabilities of others. Matthew 7:12
3. Act and speak in a manner worthy of the God who calls you—modest clothing, unkind remarks, profanity, drugs, tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, weapons of all kinds, coarse jokes, conversation involving occult or sexual situations or other language unbecoming of a Christian is unacceptable at CHOICE functions. Philippians 4:8 
4. If you know something may be offensive to someone else, please refrain from it. Respect the property and landscape of those we are visiting. I Corinthians 8:7-13
5. When attending educational activities such as field trips or ETC, come prepared to listen attentively with an attitude of learning. Headphones and other distracting articles or behavior should be avoided. James 3:13
6. Wholesome friendships are encouraged between boys and girls. However, students should look upon one another as brothers and sisters in Christ and refrain from demonstrating overt personal affection at CHOICE functions.
 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in truth.  3 John 4