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Harbor Membership

For Interested Families:

If you are interested in joining The Harbor, the first step is to read through the first five pages listed on the menu to the left. (General Membership Information, through Statement of Faith). The next step is to come visit the co-op in person; so you and your students can experience the atmosphere and culture of The Harbor. Please indicate you interest to do so by emailing: theharborhomeschoolgroup@gmail.com. One of our board members will help scedule your visit. After reading the website and visiting in person, you can then request membership via the website. To request membership, simply clicking the "Join" link at the top right of the website. An administrator will help you to gain access then to the member's side of the website and set up a family profile.

Please register for classes by no later than 8/1/24. Payment and all other registration requirements such as the Liability Release Form and Participation Agreement Form are due by no later than 8/6/24.

Here is what you need EVERY YEAR to join/maintain membership in The Harbor.
(Families joining after the start of the school year should contact theharborhomeschoolgroup@gmail.com)

  1. Create/Update your Family Profile on the website (top menu bar)
  2. Read the "Statement of Faith and Final Authority on Matters of Belief and Conduct" 
  3. Read the "Participation Guidelines" 
  4. Read the "Child Protection Policy"
  5. Complete the Liability Release Form
  6. Complete the Participation Agreement Form
  7. Register all children for classes and high school study groups (under 'Class Registration' left menu)
  8. Pay your yearly registration fee of $60 (non-refundable) to Harbor Homeschool Group
  9. Pay your $100 facility fee as directed. Facility fee checks should be made out to Liberty Christian Church and NOT to the Harbor.
  10. Complete a background check if you have not done one with Harbor previously. This is for any parent/guardian who will be on site as a Harbor participant/volunteer. (This is a one time or once every five year check as determined by The Harbor Board.)