Family: The Sample Family

Domain Names

Do you have your own domain name?

You can use our service and still keep your own domain name.  It's easy and we show you how!  Point to, transfer or purchase a domain name from us, it's easy!

For $35 a year, we would host your domain name and provide you with 5 free forwarding emails at your domain name.  If you need a dedicated email address at your domain name, the cost is $15 per mailbox address.  Please email for a quote.   If you have an existing domain name, here are some of the situations we run into that you would no longer have to worry about.

  1. I thought Mary or Bob was going to renew the domain name? A homeschool Mom or Dad forgets with the million things they have going on? Unbelievable. :)
  2. Someone forgot to update the credit card information and the credit card now is expired
  3. The homeschool Mom in charge of renewing the domain left our group and we can’t get into our domain name account
  4. Someone on our leadership team controls the domain name and is being uncooperative in releasing it’s control
  5. You want me to setup an email account at our domain name or redirect it? How do I do that?

We do all that for you so you no longer have to worry about it. To get started on transferring your domain name to our service, just email with your domain name or names that you want transferred. It’s easy and we take care of the complicated parts!

If you don't have a domain name and would like one, email us at and let us know and we would be happy to reserve one for you.

Why do I need a domain name?

It’s easy for your families to remember and it provides a sense of identity on the web.  Having your own domain name also helps you rank higher with others that are searching for your homeschool group on the web.

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