LEARN is a ministry of Faith Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Pole Tavern, NJ. LEARN is a cooperative learning opportunity for children starting pre-K through 12th grade. (Click this picture for important information about ages.) LEARN is run by a volunteer Board and overseen by the Session of Faith OPC. The mission of LEARN is to assist and support parents in the training of their children with supplementary and enrichment classes LEARN is a cooperative effort in every sense.  Everyone must contribute to our success. LEARN is not a profit-making venture, but a ministry by families to families.

LEARN is a ministry of Faith Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Click HERE to learn more about Faith OPC.




I know LEARN is a co-op; how am I expected to help?


Since LEARN is a true co-op and is meant to be a pooling of talents, we need everyone's help! When you register your children for classes, you will be asked to register as a Parent Helper, which involves helping the teacher keep order, taking young children to the restrooms, helping with crafts, etc.



Do I have to be present the whole time my children are at LEARN?


Yes. In order for your child to participate, you must be present and helping the entire time your child is at LEARN. You may not drop your child off, or leave them in the care of another parent who is already at LEARN. If you cannot be present for some reason, you may substitute someone in your place who will fulfill your responsibilities. You can use a neighbor, friend, grandparent or adult (over 18) sibling. This person stands in your place, following your schedule.


When do I register my family for classes?


LEARN utilizes a tiered registration process, based on the time that parents have dedicated to the co-op. Teachers, who spend countless hours before and during the semester, get to register their families first. Returning Families, who served in the weekly operations of the co-op last semester, get to register second. New Families, who did not participate in LEARN last semester, register third. All class registration dates are posted on teh LEARN homepage.


Do I have to stay for all four class periods?


No! Sign up for only the classes you want. You are not obligated to stay any certain number of hours and can start at any time. If your child is only interested in a class during third hour, arrive a few minutes before third hour and leave when you are finished. If you are planning to take a class during first hour, we ask that you arrive at 12:30 to be present for opening exercises to hear important announcements.


What do I do with my child that is under 3 years old?


We have both a Toddler and an Infant Nursery for children who are too young to take classes. When you register for class, you must also register any young children for the Nursery.

LEARN has to adhere to strict Fire Code Guidelines.  When the Nursery reaches its class capacity, it is in fact full.  LEARN cannot add additional children or Parent Helpers to the Nursery.  Please note that the Nursery is the ONLY location available for young children, as even the Church Sanctuary is utilized as classroom space.  Parent Helpers may not take their young children into the classrooms where they are helping, as again every classroom has strict Fire Code Guidelines, and there is not room for additional children.  If the Nursery fills before you are able to register your young child, you will need to find alternative child care for the 10 LEARN days that semester.


Is the class cost per week or for all 10 weeks?


The cost you see is the cost for all 10 weeks.


If I drop out will I get a refund?


LEARN Administration fees (currently $30) are non-refundable. Class costs are refundable only during registration.  There are NO REFUNDS at all after registration closes (date listed on the home page).  


What should I do if we have to be absent?


If your family cannot attend LEARN one week and you know more than a week in advance, please stop by the Administration office and inform the Attendance Coordinator, Michelle Schmidt, so that it can be noted in the attendance book for the appropriate week.  If you find that you cannot attend LEARN prior to Thursday of that week, please contact Michelle Schmidt via text ((856) 323-6429) or email Legalshell@yahoo.com and let her know. In addition, please contact your children's teachers to get any work that they will miss.

Every person is important and Administration needs to know if they need to find extra help if you will be absent so please be sure to notify Administration of EVERY absence, parent or child.  Thanks!