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Who can become a member of AHC?


Any homeschooling family may become a member of AHC. AHC does not discriminate based upon race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, nor physical or mental disability.


How do I join AHC?


Joining is easy! Just fill out our Membership Registration form on our homeschool-life (HSL) website, then pay your membership dues ($20). When your membership dues are received, you will receive an email with further instructions to access your AHC membership benefits!


Does AHC have rules?


Generally, no. AHC functions on a model of community and relationships. Within this model, we build respect in our relationships, and by applying basic reason, we've found we handle problems best without the use of rules. We do have some guidelines or expectations that come up as needed. For example, we may ask children not to run through the halls in our class facilities, and to let their teacher know if they need to leave the class and where they are going. Additionally, most families have their own personal expectations too. 


Do you have to take both classes?


No. Some families choose to take only one class for various reasons. However, taking only one class does not change your class registration fees. Partly because we want our fee structure to encourage folks to come together, not stay away. Also, since most of our expense is rent, our costs aren't lower for a family to take one class rather than two.


What does volunteering mean?


AHC is an entirely volunteer-run organization. 

Some members volunteer and contribute as part of our Leadership Team to ensure the smooth running and continual progress of our group. Leadership Team members are responsible for every aspect of AHC. This includes our Facebook group, forum, website, classes, field trips, events, finances, insurance, taxes, and more. Not to mention, fixing any part of the system that isn't functioning as well as it could be.

You can learn more about becoming part of the Leadership Team by contacting our Group Facilitator

Each class day, it takes all of our parents working together to put on classes. For most parents, this means either teaching classes or being an assistant to a teacher for one or more classes. Additionally, there are other class day volunteer spots, including set up and clean up duties. If you have concerns about volunteering for classes, please discuss them with the Volunteer Coordinator. So far, we have always been able to find a way to make it work.

You can read more about our Volunteer Requirements on the Classes with AHC page of our website.


What if I can't afford the class fees?


If you are having trouble affording classes, please contact our Treasurer to inquire about assistance. We don't want to miss out on the talents and ideas you can bring to our cooperative! Money should never be the reason a family doesn't join us.


Can I drop off my child for classes or events? 


As a general practice, no. AHC is a cooperative that makes community top priority. We find that working together to make classes and activities happen for our children is one of the best ways to build relationships. We want to get to know you and your child(ren). As a practical matter, it takes all of us to make classes and events run smoothly.


Are children ever at AHC without their parents?


In certain circumstances, a child may be at AHC without their parent, perhaps due to illness or other circumstances.  However, AHC can never take responsibility for a child. All children on-site must have an adult that serves as their person holding responsibility for them. These arrangements and agreements can be made privately between parents. 

For example, it is a fairly common practice for one parent to bring a child from another family along to park day and take charge of that child. Events for older children are sometimes designated as "drop off" events.

Your child should always be made aware if someone is stepping in to be their responsible person. Additionally, let some Leadership Team members know about the arrangement. 


What if I don't want to participate in classes?


That's just fine! AHC is about community building in any form that works for you. Each term, we have some families that don't take classes and participate in other ways. Other opportunities include social events, field trips, outdoor adventures, weekly park play days, workshops, and more. There is a trend that these families eventually end up in classes because they hear about the great time we all have, but that is up to you.


How are my fees being used?


Your AHC membership dues contribute to paying for member workshops, social events, service projects, and administrative expenses like insurance, web hosting, our PO Box, and other overhead costs. 

Your AHC class fees cover our expenses for putting on classes. These expenses include rent for our class facility, teacher reimbursements for class materials, and other class related overhead. 

Generally, we work very hard to keep fees as low as possible while still maintaining a buffer for financial stability. Often enrollments are higher than our conservative budgets, or teachers do not ask for reimbursement as budgeted. We use the net income that results for additional group benefits at the discretion of the Leadership Team.