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2024-25 HCS Application

indicates a required answer

Welcome to Harvest Christian School!  We are glad you found us. 

After reading steps 1 and 2, please feel free to apply for admission to Harvest Christian School.  After submitting the application, you will contacted by the Administrator to set up a time to meet.  All applying familes meet with the administrator before admission to get their experience with Harvest Christian School off to the best possible start.

We are excited by your interest in Harvest Christian School and hope you will find encouragement and blessings on your homeschooling journey.

( When viewing the links below, click on the back button of your browser to return to the application form.)

STEP 1: 
     Read our Statement of Belief (Click Here).
     Read our Biblical Conflict Resolution Guideline (Click Here).
      Read the HCS Handbook (Click Here).
We are a Christian Home Education Group made up of believers who seek to honor our Lord Jesus Christ in our homeschooling.
1. *

Check here if you have read and agree that all members of your family and the children you enroll will abide by the Statement of Belief, Conflict Resolution Guidelines and HCS Handbook.

 (1 required)
I Agree

* indicates a required field.

2. *

Primary Last Name

3. *

Primary First Name

4. *

Primary Email Address:


Secondary Last Name


Secondary First Name


Additional Email Addresses

8. *

Street Address

9. *


10. *


11. *

Zip/Postal Code

12. *

Primary Contact Phone Number (with Area Code)


Secondary Phone Number (with Area Code)

14. *

Please list your students. List their full name and birthdate and grade they will be starting in the space below seperated by a comma, for example: ( Johnny Smith, 10/10/2010, 2nd grade)

Use only one row per student.

15. *

I will be enrolled in another church cover school in addition to Harvest Christian School for the upcoming School year. If this changes, I will notify Harvest Christian School immediately.

 (1 required)
Yes No
16. *

Church you regularly attend


Please put your HSLDA (Homeschool Legal Defense Association) number here if you have one. (If you do not have one you will be asked to join if your application is accepted at the parent meeting)

18. *

By checking this box I certify that I have legal custody of the child or children that I am enrolling.

 (1 required)
19. *

Social media and photo/video release:  HCS has my permission to use my or my child's image on photographs or videos on social media.  HCS will only use such images for school related activities, such as, projects, special activities, and promotion of HCS.

I also understand that no royalty, fee, or other compensation shall become payable to me by reason of such use.

 (1 required)