Spring 2025 Dates: 2/13-5/1, no co-op 4/17/25.  Fall 2025 Registration is in July.



Our current class offerings can be found on this page.



Below is a list of classes we have offered in the past.





First Grade (Periods 1-5) 1st Grade First Grade (Periods 1-5) 1st Grade
Kindergarten (Periods 1-5) Kindergarten Kindergarten (Periods 1-5) Kindergarten
Sharknado 2-3 Garden Play 2-3
Spanish 2 – Elementary 2-3 Roving Readers’ Club 2-3
Extreme PE 2-3 Bugs and Critters 2-3
General Art 2-4 Journaling through the Old Testament 2-3
European Geography 2-4 Spanish – Elementary 1 2-3
The Wild & Wacky World of Dr. Seuss 2-4 PE 2-3
Thomas Edison 2-5 Sculpture 2-4
Enhancing Early Reading through Movement 2-5 It’s Madeline! 2-4
It’s Tea Time! 2-5 Dynamic Drama 2-4
Traditional Folk & Country Dances 2-5 The Story of the Pilgrims 2-5
Village Crafts 2-5 Medieval Feast 2-5
Exploring Space 2-5 Exploring the Orchestra, Music, & More 2-5
Arthropods 2-5 Pre-Handwriting Skills 2-5
Intermediate Sign Language 2-5 Holiday Crafts 2-5
Dynamic Drama 2-5 Life on a Farm 2-5
Soccer Academy 2-5 Beginner Sign Language 2-5
Do Unto Others – A Study in Etiquette 2-6 Village Crafts 2-5
Inside the Iditarod 2-6 Muscle Madness 2-5
All about Horses 2-6 Soccer Academy 2-5
Musical Theater: Newsies 2-12 Outdoor Adventures 2-5
Skate Park 3-5 Beginning Cross Stitch 3-6
Extreme PE 4-6 The Election Process 4-6
Ancient Rome Lapbooking 4-7 Bud and Me 4-6
Spanish 2 – Middle Grades 4-7 PE 4-6
Stretching and Strengthening 4-7 Spanish – Middle School 1 4-7
Sir Malcolm and the Missing Prince 4-8 History of the Mercury & Apollo Space Program 4-7
Sharknado 4-8 The Wind in the Willows 4-8
Geometrical String Art 4-8 String Art 4-8
Creating a Board Game 4-8 20th Century America Lapbook 4-8
Dinosaurs, Dragons, and More! 4-8 Creating a Board Game 4-8
Beginning Crochet 4-8 Veterinary Science 4-8
Florida Outdoorsman 4-8 Intermediate Guitar 4-12
American Government 4-8 Faith Journaling 4-12
Outdoor Adventures 4-8 Dynamic Drama 5-7
Worship Guitar 4-12 Sculpture 5-8
General Art 5-8 Apologia General Science 5-8
Writing Skills for Middle School 5-8 Totally Gross Chemistry 5-8
Veterinary Science 5-12 Skate Park 5-12
Our Solar System 6-9 Once Upon a Time Rethought 6-8
Redwall: Where Legends are Made 6-12 Writers’ Club 6-8
All about Chocolate 6-12 Alice in Wonderland 6-8
Journaling through the Names of God 6-12 The Canvas: The Hobbit 6-12
Faith Journaling 2 6-12 The Canvas: The Hobbit 6-12
Intermediate Sign Language 6-12 Beginner Sign Language 6-12
Dynamic Drama 6-12 Public Speaking Skills 6-12
Chorus 6-12 From Gaslight to Google 6-12
Soccer Academy 6-12 Fitness 6-12
Skate Park 6-12 Soccer Academy 6-12
2-Point & 3-Point Linear Perspective 7-12 Florida Outdoorsman 6-12
Here Comes the Judge 7-12 US Elections 7-9
Critical Thinking 7-12 Linear Perspective Drawing 7-12
PE 7-12 Legends of Liberty 7-12
Me, Incorporated 8-12 PE 7-12
Greco-Roman Mythology 8-12 Biblical World View: The Truth Project 8-12
Biblical Worldview: The Truth Project 8-12 Computer, Internet and Word Processing Skills 8-12
The Financial Market 8-12 Marine Biology Lecture 8-12
More Marine Biology 8-12 Marine Biology Lab 8-12
Spanish 2 – High School 8-12 Spanish – HS 101 Continued 8-12
Writing Skills for High School 9-12 A Study of Angels 9-12
The Phantom of the Opera 9-12 Earth Science 9-12
The Holocaust 9-12 Honors Lit: Beowulf 9-12
Philosophy 9-12 Honors Lit: The Screwtape Letters 9-12
Honors Lit: Homer’s Odyssey 9-12 String Art 9-12
More Chemistry Lecture 9-12 Chemistry Lecture 9-12
More Chemistry Lab 9-12 Chemistry Lab 9-12
    Young Women of God 9-12
    Biblical Manhood 9-12
    History of the Mercury & Apollo Space Program 9-12