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Request Information

indicates a required answer

Thank you for your interest.

Please review the following link, it may answer many questions you may have:

 Q&A Link 

Please let us know if you have any further questions. 

If you would like to join, please fill out an APPLICATION

Statement of Inclusivity 

Richmond Homeschool Collective accepts, welcomes, and respects families regardless of their race, ethnicity, class, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, religion, or national origin. Our member families come from many different backgrounds and may practice a variety of religious traditions or none at all. We do not uphold any religious worldview, and our classes are taught using currently held scientific theories, based on empirical evidence. 


1. *

Please read the following COVID precautions. Health and Wellness Policy

 (1 required)
I have read the Health&Wellness Policy; and will show proof of vaccination
2. *

Parent/Guardian Name

3. *


4. *

How did you find us? If a currrent member recommended you, please share their name. 

5. *

Please check all the grade/age activities you are inquiring about. 

 (1 required)
Lower Elementary / ages 6-8 Upper Elementary/ ages 8-11
Middle School/ ages 11-14 High School / ages 14+
6. *

Questions for RHC: