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CHEC's Guiding Principles

Purpose and Philosophy
The purpose of CHEC is to support and encourage home educators by providing information and opportunities for fellowship, both educational and social.  The reasons for homeschooling within a group are numerous. First, because educating in the home is a radical departure from more conventional public and private schools, a homeschool support group provides emotional support. Working with others with similar goals and ideals gives members assurance that the method of education they have chosen for their children is a sound one.

The second advantage of teaching one's children within a group is the ability to draw upon the resources of others within the group.

Thirdly, group activities can provide friendships for members and their children.

With its framework of support that allows members to be their children's educators, CHEC makes possible and perhaps even magnifies some of the main advantages of homeschooling. Among these are freedom to choose a child's curriculum, closer parent-child relationships, enjoyment of one's children, control of the child's moral environment, personal growth of parents, more individualized instruction for the student, a reduction of the economic pressure of private education, and a greater student responsibility for attaining an education.


CHEC is not here to dictate to parents what and how they should teach their children. Parents alone are responsible for the educational experiences of their children. Members are encouraged to remain informed of current Mississippi laws regarding homeschooling. This includes the parent’s completion/submission of a certificate of enrollment to the appropriate school attendance office to indicate that the type of educational program is a home instructional program, not a private school.

CHEC Statement of Faith:

  1. The Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God.
  2. There is only one true living Almighty God, Creator of the universe, who is eternally existent, has revealed Himself as a Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit – Three persons, One Substance), and before whom all persons will be accountable for their actions.
  3. Man is by nature sinful and is inherently in need of salvation.
  4. Christ’s death provides substitutionary atonement for our sins. He literally rose bodily from the dead.
  5. Salvation is offered as a gift – free to the sinner. This gift must be responded to in individual faith, not trusting in any personal works whatsoever, but in the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ alone.
  6. Jesus will literally come to earth again in the Second Advent.

Membership Options
CHEC has four elementary groups that are mostly geographically based. In these smaller, more intimate groups, there are opportunities for forming relationships, additional field trips, parties, kids' activities, and park days. We encourage small group members to participate as fully as possible in the planning and implementation of the activities of the small group to insure the success of the group. These small groups are for K-6th grade.

For families with children 7th – 12th grade, we offer two wonderful groups just for them. The teen groups participate in many activities including field trips geared just for them and opportunities for community service hours. For our graduating seniors, we also offer a graduation ceremony.

The groups that you may choose from are:

CHEC 1 – for grades 1-6, serving the Clinton, Bolton, Utica and surrounding areas

CHEC 2 - for grades 1-6, serving S. Jackson, Byram, Terry, and surrounding areas

CHEC 3 for grades 1-6, serving Rankin county, N. Jackson, and surrounding areas

CHEC 5 for grades 1-6, serving Madison county, and surrounding areas

CHEC 6A – Sr High – serving ALL areas for 9th - 12th grades (MUST be at least 14 years by September 1)

CHEC 6B – Jr High – serving ALL areas for 7th - 8th grades (MUST be at least 12 years by September 1)