Farm School Welcome Pack
Welcome Pack
Roots and Shoots Farm School!
We are so excited that your family will be joining us! In order to make the transition to farm school as simple as possible, we have collected the most important details all into one pack for you. Whether you are brand new or just need a reminder of policies and dates, all of that is here!
Click Here For 2025 Session Dates
1. Schedule, Pickup & Dropoff
Drop off is 8:45 am-9:00 am. (In the winter it is 10am) We will have a check in table by the parking lot. You must sign your child in each morning. If you arrive before 8:45, please do not leave your vehicle; we won't have teachers and spaces ready yet. If you're going to be late, please text Laura (330)212-9334 and we can make arrangements to get your child to where they belong when you arrive.
Pickup is 2:45 pm- 3:00 pm. Come to the check in table and sign your child(ren) out. Once they are signed out, they are your responsibility! We will have a teacher lead them up to the pickup area.
Please don't be late! Teachers have much to do to clean up and prepare for our next farmschool day, and Stone Garden Farm often has afternoon activities and events to get ready for also. You and your family are welcome to look around the farm with your kids at pickup time, but we respectfully ask for you to plan to depart by 3:30 for above-mentioned reasons.
If your child(ren) will be absent, please text Laura (330)212-9934
2. Daily Important Stuff
- Please send your child(ren) with a water bottle labeled with their name. Dress them in weather appropriate gear as we will spend a lot of time outdoors- sun hat on sunny days, mud boots on muddy days, etc.
- Children should bring their own lunch. We will provide water when needed.
- Backpacks are optional for kids 7 and over, but are a good way to store extra clothes & projects your child brings home. Beansprout(4-6 yr olds) are required to have a backpack with a full change of clothes incase of accidents or extra messy days.
- During our farm kitchen crew periods, your kids will be preparing healthy snacks such as herbal teas, dried fruit, apple sauce, homemade breads, fresh veggies from the garden etc. We serve snack about 15 minutes before afternoon pickup
- No electronics, candy or personal toys are allowed unless you are asked to bring them for a certain project (show and tell, etc) or previous permission has been given.
- Each week, we will send out an Email newsletter of how our week looked. Please read these, as they sometimes contain important reminders or info for parents. It will include some content of the classes, highlights of the week and photographs of your children. **If you prefer not to have your child(ren) photographed, or would prefer for your child's pictures not to be used for advertising purposes, please let us know.
3. State Homeschool Requirements
**For homeschoolers only
I understand that Letters of Intent to homeschool, end-of-year assessments and any other paperwork required by my county or state will still be my responsibility. This program is designed to be a supplement, not a replacement for your regular Homeschool curriculum/requirements.
4. Illness Policy
We understand that some runny noses are sneezes are
inevitable. Here is the at-home checklist for you to determine if it is safe to bring your child(ren) to the farm each day. Please keep your child home if he/she has:
- Fever over 100 degrees
- Green mucus
- Persistent wet cough
- Vomiting within 24 hours
- Chills
5. Liability Waiver
All farmschool families are required to have a liability waiver on file. Please download this waiver, sign and turn into Laura Fry.
Download Liability Waiver Here
6. Financial Fine Print
Payment can be made by check (made out to Roots N Shoots), cash, or Venmo (Laura Fry, @StoneGardenFarm).
**No refunds will be given for missed days during the session- however, if you know before the session starts that your family will be missing 1-2 full weeks, we are happy to discount tuition to reflect this.
Roots & Shoots operating and infrastructure costs are determined by the beginning of each session. Those expenses are based on the number of children committed to attend. Once determined, those costs will not decrease due to an individual student's failure to attend once a session has started. Our budget for each session will be fixed as of the first day.
By agreeing to send your child to Roots & Shoots, you are commiting to pay full tuition. In order to ensure the school is a proper fit for your child, a five day grace period for refunds will be considered once school has begun. No refunds will be considered 1 week after the start of our session.