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Enroll in Roots & Shoots Farmschool!

Fill out the form below and click the Continue button at the bottom.

We'll review your membership request, and be in touch soon! Feel free to reach out with questions.   



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Upload Family Photo (Optional) .jpg, .gif or .png


Add Child

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Additional Questions

Payment Instructions

Once your student registration is finalized, payment can be made by check (made out to Roots N Shoots), cash, or Venmo (Laura Fry @StoneGardenFarm).


**No refunds will be given for missed days- however if you know before the session starts that your family will be missing one or more full weeks, we are happy to discount tuition to reflect this.

Once your new account is approved, you will be able to login and register your children the Beanspouts (ages 4-6), Thistles (ages 7-9) or Willows (ages 10-12)!  You will also need to register them for attendance!