About Us

Parents Educating Children (PEC) started as a group of 3 parents and friends (Hochstettlers, Kings, and Lacys) who started meeting in 1982. Our membership has now grown to over 400 families! PEC has become more organized over the years, but our goal remains the same—to support and encourage each other, both in person and online, as we home educate our children. The organization of the group has been kept simple. An administrative board is appointed and shares organizational duties with the support group leaders. Many members are involved in our various activities... we hope you will consider volunteering some of your time to PEC too!
PEC Fun Facts
1) The largest all-volunteer homeschool support group in Palm Beach County.
2) The goal of PEC is to support, inform, and encourage parents in their efforts to educate their children at home. It takes no role in teaching the student.
3) PEC provides socialization opportunities for children and activities such as American History Night, International Night, Spelling Bee, Ice Skating, High School Prom, High School Graduation Ceremony, and more.
4) Three area support groups throughout the county hold family park days for parents and children to interact and network.
Membership Benefits
1) Access to PEC's secure member website. This website is full of information that will enhance your homeschool experience. You will also have access to PEC's members-only Facebook page, will receive web and email updates and have access to other members through the forum.
2) PEC sponsored activities and field trips. PEC sponsors American History Night, International Night, Spelling Bee, Ice Skating, High School Prom, High School Graduation Ceremony, and more.
3) Special events throughout the year.
4) Support groups with meetings and activities throughout Palm Beach County.
PEC Mission Statement
Parents Educating Children's mission is to support and encourage its member parents, both in person and online, who are engaged in a home education program, as well as those considering homeschooling as an academic option. Our philosophy is founded on traditional, Biblical, Judeo-Christian values. Membership is open to all who are engaged in a home education program or considering home education, and pay annual dues.
PEC believes that parents have a God-given responsibility to teach their children (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). PEC believes the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God. PEC will always seek to glorify and honor our Lord in everything we do and say, praying openly to our Heavenly Father in the name of His Son, Jesus, before or during meetings, speaking of Jesus Christ publicly, discussing Christian ideals and insuring that our children have the freedom to express their Christian faith during activities. Meetings, activities, and events offered to all members will be consistent with these beliefs. Therefore, PEC will maintain a Christian leadership. Board Members and Support Group Leaders will be required to sign this Mission Statement and Statement of Faith to ensure Christian leadership of PEC.
Please don't hesitate to reach out and connect with us on social media... we look forward to meeting you and are excited about what lies ahead!