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Students of Truth and Righteousness "Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever." Daniel 12:3


Other Area Support Groups


Chippewa Valley Homeschool Forum

Be connected with homeschoolers in the Chippewa Valley. A forum based website that is secured by password. All families are verified as homeschoolers present or past. You do not have to be affiliated with any homeschool support group. Popular forums posts are used books/curriculum for sale, helpful website recommendations, Choir opportunities, Track, garage sales, and mom's asking for general homeschool help. 150+ families and growing.

The cost is only $8.50 per year. Visit Contact Denise Wood for more information.


Families for Christian Home Education

FCHE is a Christian homeschool support group serving the greater Eau Claire  area that is not affiliated with any church or denomination.  Our primary function is to provide support in the Titus 2 model to moms who are home educating their children.  This includes both the personal support of bestowing encouragement and prayer, and the practical support of sharing information, ideas, and resources pertaining to home education. 

We endeavor to strengthen mothers, and through them whole families, to train up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).  Therefore, our foundation and primary focus is the monthly moms' meetings where this support can occur.  It is highly recommended that those desiring to participate in FCHE commit to regular attendance of these meetings.  Any mom may attend these meetings without participating in any other FCHE activity, but the reverse situation is discouraged (e.g. attending field trips without attending the meetings.)  It is at these meetings that you will be able to receive support and give support to others, and develop the kind of relationships that will bless you and keep you going in home education.

Visit our website to learn more.