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Students of Truth and Righteousness "Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever." Daniel 12:3


Track and Field Day

Homeschool Track and Field Day

Event Date: Mid May
Location: Keller Park
Registrations: due March 24, 2025


Image result for track and field foot

Track & Field events will be open to all home-schooled children grades K through 12.

To participate in Track and Field day, a home-schooled child must be 5 yrs old by Sept 1, 2024. They also must be able to follow directions, wait their turn and participate in a group without a parent.

At least 1 adult (parent, friend, or relative) from each participating family must volunteer.  

Watch CVHS forum for updated information or current years registration form.

New to homeschooling and/or not on CVHS forum  Call 715.456.6575 or email 

Download May 2024 Registration form here    - note: this will be updated when available