York Home School Association York Home School Association York Home School Association York Home School Association York Home School Association York Home School Association

Evaluator Information

Each year YHSA provides a list of Evaluators to our members.  We do not endorse any evaluator in particular on this list or any other list.  We simply provide their information for you as it is submitted to us. Please research the evaluator you choose to be sure he or she is a good match for your family.  Click here to read a great article from Donna Botterbusch about choosing an evaluator.

2024 Evaluator List

Under "More Info", you will find other details about each evaluator, such as qualifications, experience, educational philosophy, what they require and more.

Nicole Braswell

Phone:  717-758-2947

Email:  nbraswell5@hotmail.com

Grade Level:  All

Districts:  See More Info

Fees:  $20 for 1st student / $15 each additional

More Info:  Click Here

Julie Brenneman

Phone:  215-272-9079

Email:  Joules_03@hotmail.com

Grade Level:  All

Districts:  See More Info

Fees:  $25

More Info:  Click Here

Nikki Donahue

Phone:  717-858-9242

Email:  nikkidonahue@verizon.net

Grade Level:  All

Districts:  See More Info

Fees:  See More Info

More Info:  Click Here

Stephanie Fonticoba

Phone:  717-715-7179

Email:  fonticoba@hotmail.com

Grade Level:  All

Districts:  All

Fees:  $40

More Info:  Click Here

Amy Keane

Phone:  774-454-3284

Email:  Xrayamy77@icloud.com

Grade Level:  All

Districts:  See More Info

Fees:  $25 First Child / $15 each additional

More Info:  Click Here

Matthew & Rebecca Monticchio

Phone:  Matthew 717-330-4326

Phone:  Rebecca 717-917-6045

Email:  matthewmonticchio@gmail.com

Email:  rebecca.monticchio@logosyork.org

Grade Level:  All

Districts:  All

Fees:  $50-$60

More Info:  Click Here

Mary Oles

Phone:  717-793-7259

Email:  marykoles@yahoo.com

Grade Level:  All

Districts:  All

Fees:  $35 per child / $5 transcript service

More Info:  Click Here

Melanie Quickel

Phone:  717-586-8643

Email:  melanie.quickel@live.com

Grade Level:  All

Districts:  See More Info

Fees:  $25 first child / $10 per additional

More Info:  Click Here

Susan (Kallstrom) Street

Phone:   717-542-1744

Email:  familylearning101@gmail.com

Grade Level:  All

Districts:  See More Info

Fees:  $35

More Info:  Click Here

If you or someone you know would like to be included in this list, please e-mail the Evaluator List Organizer for a questionnaire.