Pilgrim Progress Academy

PPA Classes - offers semester to year-long classes on a weekly basis between September and May. These are serious academic classes since we only meet once a week you must assist your students at home. Teachers are available to help as needed but it is a partnership to help you provide the classes your students need in a group setting. I believe this is the best of both worlds, homeschooling and private schooling. Because they will learn to be accountable to an outside teacher, as well as develop friendships while having access to all of the labs and equipment necessary for a superior education. All of our classes are taught from a Christian Worldview.
We provide a survey each March/April to find out which classes our members most need to give their children the best education possible.
Students in grades K-12th, they should be able to work independently.
- You must be a member of Pilgrims Progress Home School Association it is $40 a year
- There is a Facility Fee of $100 for the year. (per family)
- Most Classes are $30 per month. We also have some volunteer opportunities that can qualify for reduced tuition.
- Lastly, Student Registration $15 per student per year
Students may take up to four classes per semester. Each class is 60-90 minutes. Elementary classes run between 9am-2pm. Jr. High/ High School Classes run between 8:30am-3:00pm. We take an hour for lunch to build relationships.
Our classes are provided on a first come first serve basis, therefore if we exceed the limit of students we can accommodate there is a waiting list...and we will try to accommodate everyone.
Once you have Registered for Pilgrim Progress Academy and have selected your classes, then you need to select how you will volunteer with the PPA or Pilgrims Progress by selecting your name under the Volunteer/ Positions listed. We are a co-operative and need volunteers to be able to offer these opportunities to the students.
Location: We meet in Hanson, MA