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Who is Homeschool First?


Homeschool First is a support group for families who have chosen to educate their children at home. 

The mission of Homeschool First, Inc. is to facilitate educational and social opportunities for homeschool families in our local community. Homeschool First, Inc. provides a volunteer organizational structure to allow for homeschool classes, field trips, social events, support meetings for homeschool parents, and educational city-wide events.

We are not a "drop-off" co-op. Parents must remain on the property while their children are in classes. 

We are not affiliated with any church or other home education group. We are supported solely by annual membership dues.


How much are membership dues?


Annual membership dues are $75 per family.

This covers the cost of insurance, facilities, website fees, and other expenses.


How much are classes?


Tuition for Friday classes begins at $70 per child for a 14-week semester.

Tuition for classes that meet on Tuesdays and Fridays, which are mostly high school level classes, start at $140 per child for a 14-week semester.

Some classes have supply fees that are added on top of the regular tuition costs.  

Please see our Classes page for more information about individual class fees. 


How big are the classes?


Class size varies based on interest, and limits are set by each teacher. A typical class will have anywhere from three to ten students.


Do I have to enroll my kids in your classes to become a member?


No, enrolling your children in our classes is not required. You can become a member and choose to only participate in social events, such as field trips, teen events, family game nights, and more!