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Code of Conduct and Dress Code

While representing FAITH, parents and students should present themselves in a modest and
Godly manner. In order to present our bodies as a holy temple of God, the FAITH dress code is
as follows:

*No suggestive or inappropriate slogans on shirts or pants. No spaghetti straps for ladies or girls
and no sleeve-less shirts for men or boys. No cleavage, buttocks, or stomach showing at any
event. Modest swim wear at swim functions.

*Students should show courtesy for adults and peers alike. Language should honor God with
no cursing or course language. No improper displays of affection.

* In the event of a dispute, biblical conflict resolution will be employed, referring to Matthew
18:15-17 and I Corinthians 6:1-8

I have read and have discussed with my children, the FAITH conduct code. Our family, as
members of FAITH, agrees to comply with the conduct code anytime we are participating in a
FAITH activity.