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Guidelines & Standards


  • Branches is a cooperative program.  All member families must do their part to help Branches succeed. Member families must sign up for the appropriate amount of job credits. All member families must have at least one on-campus job. A job that is off campus can be done for the maximum amount of 3 job credits toward parent job requirements. See FAQ's for more job credits info.

  • Branches is not a drop off program.  A responsible adult must be present to care for your child(ren) at all times. In an emergency or unusual situation, like illness, you can have another parent care for your child. Otherwise, all parents are expected to stay on campus at all times.

  • All member families must sign up for volunteer jobs to participate in Branches.  Each location has different requirements for the type and number of volunteer jobs needed. All volunteering adults must have successfully completed a background check through the company recommended by Branches; have read and agreed to abide by the Statements of Mission, Faith, and Education, the Guidelines and Standards, and the Code of Culture; and be approved to work at Branches.

  • Parent jobs must be covered at all times. If a floater is needed to cover a parent job, then you must contact the floater coordinator on your campus.

  • A parent may only use a subsitute teacher or floater four times a semester. If a parent is missing more than four times a semester, they must find their own replacement with a friend or family member that has successfully completed a Branches background check; has read and agreed to abide by the Statements of Mission, Faith, and Education, the Guidelines and Standards, and the Code of Culture; and be approved to work at Branches. As a cooperative it is imperative to fulfill your parent job requirements.

  • All floaters are needed each week. They are required to check in and respond to the floater coordinator via text or in person for each hour they are signed up to work. If a floater is missing more than four times a semester, they will also need to find their own replacement, with a friend or family member that has successfully completed a Branches background check; has read and agreed to abide by the Statements of Mission, Faith, and Education, the Guidelines and Standards, and the Code of Culture; and be approved to work at Branches.

  • A $50 non-refundable, annual, family membership fee will be due within three days of membership application approval. 

  • Payment for all class and supplies fees will be due three weeks prior to the first day of classes. Class fees may be credited to a family's account, however, supplies fees are 100% non-refundable. Failure to pay, or make special payment arrangements, by due date will result in membership suspension. Special payment arrangements cannot be made to extend payment past mid-semester.

  • Class registrations must be finalized two weeks prior to the first day of classes. Adds and drops must be finalized by the end of the second week of classes. 

  • Parent teachers, assistants, and floaters must show up, be on time, and remain in the classroom for the entire class period.

  • Students must show up on time and remain in class for the entire class period. If a student needs to leave, they are required to get permission from the teacher before they do so.

  • Parents need to monitor their children when they are not in class.

  • Volunteering member teachers must fill out the teacher application form in order to teach a class at Branches.  To maintain the integrity of our mission and Christian identity, all teachers must affirm in writing that they desire to further the mission of Branches, their personal beliefs are consistent with the Statement of Faith, and they will act consistently with the standards set forth in the Guidelines and Standards and Code of Culture.

  • Children are encouraged to wear the Branches t-shirts.

  • Branches does not have a formal dress code, however modest dress and the covering of all private areas is required.

  • Biting or aggressive behavior in class will not be tolerated. If you have a child that has issues with biting or aggression, that child will need to have a one on one aide to help them. The parent will be responsible for finding the aide.

  • Cheating, stealing, bullying, drug use, profanity, obscenity, sexual immorality, personal appearance or conduct contrary to one’s biological sex, dishonor to the Word of God, disrespect to the leadership of the group, or continued disobedience to the established standards of this group will not be tolerated. 

  • Please stay home if your child is sick and has any of these symptoms: fever within the last 48 hours, signs of possible illness such as uncontrolled coughing, difficulty breathing, wheezing, persistent crying, or lethargy,  Vomiting within the last 48 hours, diarrhea within the last 48 hours, rash that has been accompanied by fever or behavior change.


If a member family does not follow these guidelines, they may not be able to return to Branches the following semester.