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Anchored Christian Academy has an amazing and diverse group of individuals working to make this organization shine for what it is; a light in the world of education for our community. For 2024-2025 school year we have some new faces, and familiar faces with new roles. 

    Kate Funk 

Kate has been with Anchored since the beginning when it started as HELP and is a fantastic resource for parent questions and overall information on Anchored for new families.  In addition to working with families, Kate is behind the scenes coordinating with Tutors and managing operations with the Board.   kfunk@anchoredchristianacademy.org

Jenny Lafferty 

Jenny has been teaching with Anchored for quite some time, and over the past year has been a wonderful addition to the Board. Jenny works with the website and online management for registration for all of our students. In addition to being the Registrar, Jenny also serves as the Treasurer for Anchored and coordinates Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable.   jlafferty@anchoredchristianacademy.org

     Justin & Laura McDaid 

Justin and Laura are new to the board this year. They are both born again Christians and passionate about following His direction. They have been married for 23 years and have three sons that attend Anchored.   

Justin:  jmcdaid@anchoredchristianacademy.org                     Laura:   lmcdaid@anchoredchristianacademy.org