Northeast Louisiana Christian Homeschool Association Northeast Louisiana Christian Homeschool Association Northeast Louisiana Christian Homeschool Association Northeast Louisiana Christian Homeschool Association

Co-op Registration

Steps for Co-op Registration



  1. Log in to your account at

  2. Click on the graphic that says Homeschool Co-op with apples.  This will bring you to the  gray and white chart of classes will appear.   

  3. Choose West Monroe or Monroe or Farmerville Facility and Cleaning fee.  When you click on that class, a list of your family members will appear on the right side of the box.  Click just ONE STUDENT of the family for this class.  Then click the top gray button that says Register.  You should get a pop down message that says your registration was successful.  Click okay . 

  4. ** ALL MONROE CO-OP families must also choose Gaga Ball Pit and click to add to ONE Student of the family for this class. Hit the register button and when the successful pop up message appears, click okay. 

  5. Choose Insurance per person for Co-op .  When the names of your family members pop up, Please click on the names of EVERYONE who will be present at Co-op including adults.  Every head that is present at Co-op needs to pay the insurance fee from 'expected during the Co-op year infant' to newborn to adult.  Click all names then click register. 

  6. HOW TO ADD NAMES TO YOUR FAMILY PROFILE FOR INSURANCE :   If you are bringing an extra child because you babysit, or foster or if you are bringing an extended family member - PLEASE go to your profile and add that person to your family so that their name will appear in this list.   Click the profile button top menu of the screen.  Scroll down to the section where it says add children.  You can add a "child" named Foster Baby or Expected baby or the name of your mother in law.  All that is required is a first and last name to have that name now appear in  your profile when you are trying to register for insurance.  

  7. Now it’s time to register your children for classes.  We recommend you do it one child at a time.  Scroll down to the Co-op location you wish to be a part of and click on the name of the first class you want to register for.  When their name appears on the right side, click to check the box and hit register. Follow that procedure for every class you want for that child.  When you have finished that child , proceed to the second child and so forth until all your children are registered.   IF you are intending to attend multiple locations, follow this procedure for all classes your child needs at each location .   (**If you are registering for Farmerville Co-op classes, you will have to scroll your screen all the way to the right in order to see the list of names of your children.  It is there, but it doesn't look like it is when the class pops up.  Scroll right.)

  8. If the class IS full of students , please make a second choice for your child at that class period.   There are some classes that are age restricted and you must have teacher approval to join the class at a younger age.  If this is the case, please contact one of the names at the bottom of these instructions to talk about your needs. 

  9. To double check your registration, click the manage class registrations on the top right of the page.  Click on current classes and you will find a list by child of every class for which they were registered.  Be sure that you have a class for each child for every hour that you plan to be at Co-op.  It will also show the adults you have registered for insurance.  Be sure all names needed are present. 

  10. If you find a mistake in your registration, perhaps you clicked the wrong class, simply click the button out to the right that says cancel and go down to the bottom of the list and hit the cancel button.  It will remove the mistake.  Return to the matrix and add another class.  IF you have to hit the cancel button and change something, please stop  and send a text to Juliann that says 'check my account for cancelled classes' --318-614-0491.

  11. WE WILL NOT BE PAYING ANY MONEY FOR ANY CLASSES OR FEES ON MONDAY JULY 18.   Please do not try to pay.  At the bottom of the list of classes, there will be a button that says “view statement of account to pay”.  If you click on that, it will allow you to see fees but do not click pay.  There may be schedule changes necessary after registration closes and we want time to finalize those before accepting money.  We will pay all fees on AUGUST 11 and details on that process will be posted closer to August 11. 

  12.  If you have questions on registration day, please contact by text or phone , the following Advisory Council members to help you:                                    


Alise Wyant  (318)348-2216
Dianna Dumas(318)307-7809


West Monroe

Juliann McCann (318)614-0491 
Karla Curtis (318)512-2708 



Ashley Hattaway (318)620-9241