South Orange County Christian hOmeschoolers (SOCCO) South Orange County Christian hOmeschoolers (SOCCO) South Orange County Christian hOmeschoolers (SOCCO) South Orange County Christian hOmeschoolers (SOCCO) South Orange County Christian hOmeschoolers (SOCCO) South Orange County Christian hOmeschoolers (SOCCO)

Additional Statements on Marriage, Family, Education, and Grace

God has given us the good gift of family and uses it as a building block for His kingdom. God designed marriage as a unique conjugal relationship joining one man and one woman in a single, exclusive, life-long union, and God intends sexual intimacy only to occur within that relationship. (Hebrews 13:4) God creates each person with an immutable biological sex – male or female – that reflects the image and likeness of God. (Genesis 1:26-27)

Children are a gift from the Lord. (Psalm 127:3) As such, parents have the authority and responsibility to discipline, nurture, train, and educate their own children, not only spiritually but also academically and socially. (Deut 11:19, Prov. 22:6). Home education provides a Biblical institution for teaching children, with parents as the main teachers. Specifically, because independent (or private) home education falls under the same laws as a private school in the state of California, it allows families the freedom to teach from a Biblical worldview, using Christian curriculum and discipleship. Home education from a Biblical worldview can be accomplished through the blessings and provision of the Lord, by Christian families seeking to glorify Him.

Government funded programs fall under the same laws as public schools (i.e. charter, CHEP and government ISP’s). Families who home educate under the control of the government, by law, cannot teach Christian doctrine as part of their home school, directly or indirectly, according to the California State Constitution, Article 9, Section 8. Families using government programs are receiving various types of support from the state for their children’s education. SOCCO’s private website, and the fellowship we enjoy, exists to provide a place where Christian families independent of government programs can support one another with their God-given resources.

As forgiven people of God, we respond with compassion, love, kindess, respect, and dignity to those around us. God offers redemption and restoration to all who confess and forsake their sin, seeking His mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. (Romans 10:9-10) As a group of families who have the shared goal of privately home educating our children from a Biblical worldview we remember God’s good grace and extend that grace throughout our group.

SOCCO is a Member in Good Standing with CHEA & HSLDA. SOCCO support group is a member of the Christian Home Educator’s Association of California (CHEA) support group network, and a discount group of the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). Following the mission and recommendations of both CHEA and HSLDA, SOCCO is available to families who are currently not using any government education programs. If you have a unique educational situation, please feel free to reach out to us.