2022-23 Students Christmas Party Harvest Party Student Led Chapel

Membership Registration

-Fall Term 2023-

Classes are in-person at Calvary Chapel SE in Milwaukie. 

Class registration will open August 18 and close September 6. 
First day of classes is September 11.

Please note: The family registration fee must be paid before you register for classes.

Returning members: Login to your account and click Profile

New Members: Click "Join" button

Verify all membership fees and tuition are paid in full

If tuitions or other fees are past due, your member account may be "parked." If your account has been parked you will not be able to sign your student(s) up for classes.  Each term registration fee is $50. There is a $5 late fee, if paid after the date listed below.

You may pay your registration fee now by clicking the PAY NOW link below at the end of this registration renewal page. From your Statement of Account you may pay using your personal PayPal account. If you do not have a PayPal account you may still pay as a guest, and use a debit card or credit card.

Or, you may pay by check or cash (before the class sign-up date) mailed to:

First Class Clackamas Teens
13520 SE Pheasant Ct, Portland, OR 97222